Chapter Sixteen: St Mungo's Hospital

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"Because we've been trying to find out when the death eaters are going to attack the school", Remus told her, "but we haven't been able to get in, we think the Slytherins know to keep their common room door to closed for us to slip through."

"But we have learned something", James added, "Stella hasn't been sleeping in the Slytherin common room."

"But then where is she? She hasn't been back to the common room in months."

"We don't know", James replied, "every time she comes back to the common room door with Gray she says goodnight at the door and leaves. We were going to follow her tonight but she was walking to fast and we were worried someone might see us under the cloak."

"Maybe I could come with you guys tomorrow", Sophie suggested, "so we could find out where she's staying."

"No", Sirius said sternly, "there is no way your going anywhere near the Slytherin common room."

"I'll be under the cloak Sirius -"

"I don't care", Sirius stood up, "Sophie, they are trying to kill you. Don't you understand that? The death eaters are going to attack Hogwarts and it's probably so that they can either capture or kill you.  So, I'm not going to make it easier for them by letting you wait around outside their door. This is exactly why I didn't want you to know!"

Sophies mouth opened and closed as she tried to think of something to say. Sirius was right. She was now a target of Voldemort's and she needed to stay as far away as possible from anyone connected to him.

"Go to bed Soph", James said, placing a reassuring hand on her knee, "we'll go back tomorrow and we'll find out what's going on."

Still at a loss for words Sophie stood up and began to climb up the stairs to the girls dormitory. Storm and Lily were both asleep in bed breathing softly. She changed out of her robes and climbed into bed, trying to imagen where Stella could possibly be living.


Sophie can't have been asleep for more than a few hours when she felt someone shaking her awake.

"Sophie", someone said while shaking her, "Sophie you need to wake up."

Despite how heavy her eyelids felt she forced them open and allowed them to focus on the figure in front of her. It was Professor Welsh.

"Sophie there's been an accident", Professor Welsh whispered, "I need you to come with me to professor Dumbledore's office, right now."

Sophie was instantly wide awake. She threw the covers off herself and grabbed a jumper out of her trunk, throwing on her sneakers before following Professor Welsh down the stairs.

"Professor Dumbledore recommended that you bring a friend with you when you receive the news", Professor Welsh said, once they were at the bottom of the staircase, "would you like me to wake anyone?"

"Sirius", Sophie said instinctively, shivering from the cold of the common room.

"Alright, wait here."

Professor Welsh disappeared up the stairs towards the boys dormitory's, leaving Sophie alone in the common room. It was impossible to tell what time it was by looking out the window and Sophie had left her watch upstairs on her bedside. What could have happened that would require Sophies urgent attention at such an unusual hour? Several horrific options began to flood into her mind. Was this all a trick so that Voldemort could lure her out of the common room and kill her?

It can't have been more than a few minutes before Sirius appeared in the doorway to the boys dormitory behind Professor Welsh. He was wearing the Christmas sweater he'd received from his parents while Sophie was visiting, on top of his pajamas. He looked unusually awake and was clearly tense, his wand evident in his right hand.

The Marauders and the Eye of Merlin (Harry Potter Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin