CHAPTER 8 Confessions

Start from the beginning

Aric helped open Japeth's eyes to the truth. Rhian would never change his idiotic ways. Rhian would always linger upon the past he shared with Evelyn and would continue to dwell on the hope that someday Evelyn would return and they'd rule Camelot as a happy family.

While Rhian lived in some fantasy world, Japeth was in reality. And right now Japeth's reality was being in the moment with Aric by his side, sharing blueberries and basking in the afternoon sunlight.

Indeed, it was the sweet but sour tang of the blueberry's juices spurting across Japeth's tongue as he bit into the blue fruit that grounded him in the present.

He wasn't fussing over an absent mother or dwelling on an impossible future involving Camelot and whoever it's king would be. Right now, Japeth had all he needed right in front of him; a friend who'd vowed he'd never leave him. A friend who was loyal and true. What more could Japeth ever ask for?

For in that single moment, Aric was his and his alone. Not Rhian's, not anyone else's, but Japeth's.

And maybe, just maybe Japeth was Aric's too. 

"And what will we be doing on this roof?" Aric questioned, his voice snapping Japeth from his thoughts. "More vandalizing to ruffle Dean Burnhilde's feathers I presume. Or perhaps some secretive plotting in hopes of tearing down Rhian and Kei's spirits?"

A small grin tugged at Japeth's lips as he watched Aric chew a handful of blueberries. A breeze picked up, ruffling Japeth's copper hair and undoing the top strings of Aric's lace up shirt.

Across the grass, the other students in Arbed were conversing and Japeth noticed they were at a great distance from him and Aric. This was most likely because of the uneasiness that arose from Aric and Japeth's recent activities.

After Aric and Japeth had skinned a few animals they caught in Burnhilde's Garden and nailed them to the school building, Jach and Mika had gone to tattle on them. But Aric had threatened to skin them alive too if they told anyone. Needless to say that threat was enough to make Jach cry and make Mika too cowardly to stand up to Aric.

By now, everybody in Arbed knew of Aric and Japeth's "activities" and were too fearful to intentionally go near the two boys. Rumors quickly spread that Aric and Japeth were in a cult for some reason and wanted to strike unease in Arbed. But the craziest rumor Japeth heard was that him and Aric were planning to run away together and take over Camelot to anger Rhian who had been trying to claim the throne for himself.

It wasn't a secret that there was some bad blood between Japeth and Rhian and that's why the kids in Arbed had come up with the insane theory of Japeth and Aric wanting to destroy Rhian's dreams.

And maybe part of Japeth felt that way...Maybe the thought of running away with Aric and making Rhian suffer wasn't that far fetched, because by now being without Aric felt like a curse.

For Japeth swore he'd rather spend time with Aric eating blueberries rather than hanging with Rhian for the rest of his life. If only Rhian would change his childish ways and grow up. Maybe than Japeth could actually stand being in his brother's presence and maybe than Rhian and Aric could at least tolerate each other.

"Just a well needed getaway," Japeth told Aric, referring to the roof. His hand itched to wrap around Aric's. Instead, their pinkies became intertwined like before, but Aric's slight touch was enough to warm Japeth's darkened heart for the briefest of moments. "After all the havoc we've been setting to Arbed I reckon we deserve some peace and quiet. Tonight will be a full moon and it'll be real interesting to look at, I reckon. At least we'll have some actual quiet time to ourselves in which we're sure no one will interrupt us."

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