17. more than a friend

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I turn to look at Kim. "Would you mind if Derek joins us?"

Her whole face brightens up. "Um, are you kidding? Of course not."

I shake my head with a smile as I text Derek back. He responds immediately to let me know he'll be here in a few minutes. I already can't wait to see him. I know I just saw him yesterday but I miss him. I know we won't always be able to see each other every day and I don't know what I'm going to do on those days.

"Hey." Adrian, the bartender greets us as we sit by the bar. "Long time no see," he says looking at me.

I shrug. "It was becoming too much of a habit." I joke.

He grins. "Gin and tonic?"

I nod. "Yes, please."

"I'll have a beer," Kim says when Adrian asks her.

"So?" she asks me as soon as he walks away. "How was it? I saw the pictures on Twitter."

"Has everyone seen them?" I wonder. Derek and I were making out on the beach. I know it's too late to worry about PDA, but I am. I hope my parents don't see them. That would be too awkward. Everyone probably thinks I'm one of those easy girls now. I really didn't think this over.

"Uh, yeah," Kim says then begins to stand up. "I need to pee. I'll be right back."

I nod as Adrian places my drink in front of me. "Thank you," I say bringing the glass up to my lips.

"For the record," he says. "I saw the pictures too."

"Oh God," I say, sheepishly covering my face with my hands. I'm glad I have my back to the rest of the restaurant because I'm starting to feel like everyone is looking at me.

"It kind of disappointed me." Adrian continues and I look at him, confused. He shrugs. "I thought you would be immune to his famous self."

"I didn't go out with him because he's famous," I say, feeling a little defensive. This is what people are going to think though, right? They probably think I'm some gold-digger looking for someone to take me out of work and sustain me. The thought makes my stomach churn.

"I know," Adrian says with a kind smile. He leans in closer against the bar and I'm suddenly reminded of how attractive he is. "I just wish I would have asked you for your number that night. Then I would have had a chance."

"Adrian..." I say, with a shy smile.

He shrugs with a grin on his handsome face. "I'll just wait now." His eyes meet mine. "You're too good for him, Savannah, you know that, right?"

I don't know what to say for a moment and before I can even make up a sentence, the door of the bar opens, the bell dings with it. Adrian holds my gaze as Derek approaches us.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

I break the staring contest with Adrian and look at Derek. He's wearing black joggers with Adidas shoes and a white pullover sweater. His hair is smooth-looking on top of his head. He's narrowing his eyes at Adrian. Is he jealous? Why is that so hot?

"Just having a conversation," Adrian says, looking unbothered as if he wasn't just hitting on me or whatever that was anyway.

Derek's eyes move over me and he raises his eyebrows as Adrian walks away.

"What?" I ask, innocently reaching for my drink. "Adrian's my friend."

"Your friend, huh?" he asks taking a step closer to me. I'm still sitting down and he places his hand on the bar as he leans in over me. His right hand goes up to my cheek and he strokes my jawline with his thumb before raising my chin up so my lips can meet his in a kiss. Oh, he's definitely jealous of Adrian and his possessive lips prove it.

I wish I wasn't fully aware that we're in a restaurant surrounded by eager eyes. I place my hand on his strong chest. "Derek," I say against his lips.

"I better be more than a friend to you," he says in a low voice as he pulls away to look at me.

I gulp as I purse my lips. God. Why is he so hot?

"Oh, hi."

Derek smiles at Kim as he straightens up. "Hi, Kim, right?"

Kim beams as she nods. "Wow, you know my name."

Derek chuckles. "Well, I cheated a little because Gin told me."

"Gin?" Kim asks looking from Derek to me. I just roll my eyes as I reach for my drink. It's so crazy to think that it was in this very bar where we met not so long ago. I look behind me and see a lot of people looking at us.

"We should go," I say looking at Kim then Derek.

"Yeah, sure," Kim says.

Derek takes out his wallet and pulls out a card. "Hey, you," he says calling Adrian. "I want to pay for their drinks."

"Derek, that's not necessary," I say but Adrian is already charging his card.

"It's nothing, Gin," Derek says with an easy smile. "Come on." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bar. Kim follows us out. "Let me drive you home," he says leading us out to his Tesla.

"Okay, but you have to drive Kim home too." I tell him because I don't want to ditch her and make her walk by herself, even though we do it all the time.

Derek smiles at Kim. "Of course," he says opening the backdoor for her who is all smiles. I smile at her as I get in the passenger's seat.

"Do you work Wednesday night?" Derek asks as he drives.

I turn to look at him, suspiciously. "No, I don't."

He grins. "Good." he turns to glance at me before turning his attention back to the road. "There is a charity event that my brother hosts every year. Will you come with me? Be my date?"

A charity event. With his brother. I'm already nervous.

"Uh, I don't know Derek."

"It's just a dinner, nothing crazy."

"I don't think I have anything to wear." I admit.

"That's not a problem," he says as he stops outside Kim's apartments. "I'll have my agent get something for you. I'll pick you up early. We'll get ready at my place."

I look at him for a moment, thinking.

"She would love to go," Kim says from the backseat making Derek laugh. She opens the door. "Thanks for the ride, Derek." she smiles at me. "I'll see you tomorrow. Say yes."

I roll my eyes at her as she gets out of the car. Derek looks at me. "Yes, Gin, say yes."

I smile at him. "You know I have a strict rule about not saying yes to you."

He grins then places his hand on my cheek. "What time should I pick you up?"

I smile. "Four."

The grin on his face gets wider. "Four it is."

"Now kiss me before I change my mind." I tease.

He presses his lips against mine and kisses me.

DEREK'S MATCH (DEREK #1) SAMPLE, NOW PUBLISHEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz