Co-wives Diary chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Jameelah : Exactly my thought initially.... But she said , she knew nothing about it, not until the marriage date was fixed.....Even Mubarak testified to her innocence. He even told me that she was married before her ex- husband abandoned her here in Nigeria for another country.

Zeenat: Really? Though I only saw her once but she looks young.

Jameelah : Yes, she is still young but Rizqoh never mentioned her marital status to me until yesterday when my husband told me she's a divorcee.

Zeenat: What are your plans now?

Jameelah : What else can I do? I've accepted my fate after doing istikhara on his second marriage. I'm trying to make myself happy.... Abi  now, no one is worth dieing for. And I can't afford to loss my paradise with Mubarak because of  her... Moreover he's more caring and loving but each time the thoughts creep onto my mind, I shed tears to myself and pass the aggression on him...... But I can't divorce my husband for any woman oo.. My heart is with him.

Zeenat: Ehhya.. Iyawo Mubarak (Mubarak's wife) ... Your second name is Ruth.. Only Allah knows the kind of spell he has casted on you....... In fact Mubarak is fortunate to have you in his life.. I wish you the best in your marriage, and I hope he won't stop loving you after his second marriage.

Jameelah : Aameen..... Are the kids sleeping?

Because everywhere seems cool and calm.

Zeenat: You won't believe they've been troubling me since...... I managed to sleep off before I woke up they've messed up my kitchen and disarranged the living room. I have them punished and they all slept off, while on the punishment.. Their teachers are really trying oo.

Jameelah burst into a round of laughter and Zeenat also joined.

Zeenat: Lest I forget, hope he's arranging for another accommodation for his second woman?

Jameelah : I've not ask him but won't it be stressful for him to be running helter skelter sharing days and nights between his wives? I don't want him stressed out for that. Anyway, whatever his decision is, will gladly be accepted by me .. Besides, living in the same house will give me the chance to see him every day and perhaps to feel his warmth regularly.

Zeenat: Kai ! Sis, I never believed you could love this man so much like this, seeing the way you gave him hard time before you married him... So much pity and affections. He brought this upon himself, he should face the consequences now. Running helter skelter? Hmm ! I think they enjoy making themselves overwhelmed with problems when it comes to serving their wives. (Zeenat laughed)

Jameelah :  Umm Abdullah! Only Allah knows how your husband is coping with this your stone heart... Insha Allah! I'll discuss this with him when I get home.

Zeenat : Crunch these snacks with me now! And I hope you brought gifts for me? After all, you both have been enjoying each other's company since yesterday and I've been babysitting the kids all day.. AlhamduliLlah, today is one of my off days.

Jameelah  : Don't mind him, he was just feeding me everything we bought yesterday, over feeding almost burst my belly....... Don't worry he said we are going for another one next week. I'll bring something for you, insha Allah !

Zeenat :Kkkkkkkkk.. Kkk! All in the name of bringing in zawjatu thanniyah ? I hope it lasts ... Just take advantage of this season, to enjoy yourself. I'm beginning to envy you but I don't want it now.. Perhaps, when all his teeth has removed I can now allow someone else to take charge from there.

Jameelah : That's unfair sister.. Nothing will be left now. If you eat alone you'll definitely die alone.
Zeenat: Before nko? If I didn't eat alone won't I die alone?

The two sisters lightened the living room with their laughter.

Jameelah :  I think it's still better.. Some men will not even give a damn. Whether you're engulf with grief or not, who cares? But my Mubarak is taking every opportunity to make me smile.. And I'm enjoying every bit of it. In fact his love is increasing in my heart every day. I just hope it continues as your prayer sounded......

Zeenat: BaarakaLlahu feekum.

Jameelah : Aameen wa feek BarakaLlahu.
Jameelah's store.

Bilkees : Assalam Alaykum ma!

Jameelah :Waalaykum Salam.

Jameelah : I hope today's sales is going well? Where is Zainab?

Bilkees  :  AlhamduliLlah! It is ma... Zainab is not here yet.

Jameelah : I almost forgot she told me her Jamb tutorial classes will commence today.

Jameelah opened the door to her small office demacated from one of her two rented shops. Maemunah and Maemun were given Islamic litterature books to read in order to keep them busy.

Jameelah heaved a sigh as she rested her back soliloquizing.

Jameelah : I'm still finding it hard to believe that my husband is getting married again... But what can I do? I still love him. Allah knows Mubarak has really hurt my feelings. Inspite of hurting me this much, I'm still defending him in the presence of my sister. Umm Abdullah thinks I'm stupid. I'm not! A muslim woman must not say bad things about her husband behind him, no matter what. Ever since I became Mubarak's wife I've never for once leak his secret, but marriage is something that can't be hidden for long. I also wish he never thought of being polygamous ... I've only accepted out of will because Allah has given men the permission... I might have forgiven him but will only trust him like before if he's able to treat his wives with fairness and continues to be compassionate towards me after his second marriage.
Allah is cognizance, I'm only scared because of the experiences I've had concerning polygamous homes. My father was caring and loving to us. He never made my mother feel like an orphan, they loved each other dearly until the second woman came .. When Ummy received the jolting news a week before the woman's arrival, she wept to herself in the dark corners of her room to prevent her children from seeing her shattered. After giving her consent, My father was surprised she accepted easily and promised to love her more. Little did dad know he was bringing problems to our home. Our new wife came and turned out to be a terror in human skin. She trampled on my mother's rights and treaded the path of no mercy... Our sweet home was lathed by her into a sour one. SubhanaLlah! She made my mother's life miserable and showed hell to me and sister... Hmmm! That woman, only Allah will serve her whatever she deserves. Ummy developed high blood pressure and later she was hypertensive. This led to her heart attack before she died.... Its true it's her qadar she'll die that day but she has been warned severally to stay away from brouhaha incidents but our father's wife will never let the sleeping dog lies. No one was aware she poisoned my father's food just for his property and after dad's death she claimed the ownership of the properties without bearing kids for him to impede us from having our inheritance. Her secret was out in the open last year when she confessed before her death. AlhamduliLlah.. Sister Zeenat's mother, my mother's best friend adopted me and Neemah as her own, I can't imagine what would have happened to us. Since then, I despise men... I turned deaf ears to marriage clamouring but Mubarak won my heart after several efforts... I was expecting him to back out just like other suitors before him.. But he told me he won't accept defeat. He proved beyond doubt that he's truly the partner who bodied the ribs Allah has carved me from..... This is why I'm surprised he could love someone else. Hmmmmmm..... Mubarak, I just hope our lovely home will maintain it's status after adding more wife. How did Mubarak proposed to her? When? Why didn't he tell me before I found out? And I was in the dark all these while, thinking their relationship was just that of a lecturer and his student.. Now, I know why she calls him often. I just pray our own polygamous home should a peaceful one.

Jameelah was still on these thoughts when the ringing tone of her phone distorted the decorum of her office.

Jameelah : Assalam Alaykum. (on the phone).

To be cont'd.
Olafiku Maryam Umm Muslimah.

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