Co-wives Diary Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Rizqoh :I'm sorry friend, it's the truth.(she swallowed hard)

Jameelah :No! It's false right?

Rizqoh :I'm sorry! I tried my best to prevent it but I couldn't. When I found out, I declined. I objected to it but my sister said she loves him. I was disappointed in her and hated myself....... Before I found out, my father already gave his consent. I approached Abu Maemunah to stop the marriage but his response was not different from that of my sister. He said he  loves her too . I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry.

Jameelah :I can't believe you. No!!! Rizqoh, tell me it's not true. Ahh. hhh.. hhhh.. hh!

Rizqoh couldn't stop her tears either, the two friends wept profusely like toddlers. Rizqoh reached out to her friend to pacify her but she pushed her away with her grinning teeth.

Jameelah :You are a betrayer, my own best friend is getting her sister married to my own husband. Why? Because of what? You don't know anything! ...I'll never forgive you for this. I've always trusted you as a sister but you deceived me. If I didn't call you to verify you'll still not tell me the truth. I've heard the truth now. The door is open, you can take your leave.

Rizqoh : Allah knows, I no nothing about thier relationship. I just hope you'll forgive me one day. I couldn't summon the courage to give you the news. How will I say it? What will I say? I swear by Allah! He is my witness. They've fixed the date before I found out.

Jameelah  :Out of my house! Oh betrayer!

Rizqoh tried to clear herself from her friend's allegations but Jameelah was not showing interest in whatever she had to say. Rizqoh was left with no other choice than leaving for her own house.
Jameelah wept uncontrollably till her eyes got swollen and red. She returned to check on the food that has kept her glued to center of the house before her phone rang. She remembered she has to fetch her children from madrasah and quickly washed her face and wiped it with her brown face towel.

Maemunah and Maemun were four and three respectively, she birth Maemun when Maemunah was barely a year and three months old. She was conceived of Maemun when his sister was barely six months.

She returned with her children around half past six. Subsequently, she assisted them with thier assignments. Then, the trio of her offered thier Maghreb salat...

Jameelah :  My princess and my little prince it's time for Quran recitation. Who is leading us today?

Maemunah: it's my turn today!

Jameelah :BismiLlah!

Maemunah led the Quran recitations and the other two recited along with her till Ishah prayers. After thier salawaat, Jameelah related the story of Ammar ibn yaasir to her children. (one of sahabahs of the Prophet)

Jameelah : Ammar ibn Yaasir was among the first people to embrace Islam. He, alongside his parents were persecuted by the pagans of Makkah for accepting Islam . He was among the small group that migrated to Abyssinia likewise Medina.
Historians made it known to us, that he was believed to have been born in Makkah around 570 C.E
He played a major role to have arranged prophet's marriage with Khadeejah his first wife...... Ammar and his parents were amongst the first to heed the call of the prophet in the early years of Islam. His mother's name was Summayyah and his father's name was Yaasir. His mother, Summayyah suffered in the hands of kaafir, Inspite of that, her faith was strong and firm.
One fateful day, Abu Jahl was enraged when he found out Summayyah was so bent on not renouncing Islam, after all the torture and persecutions. Then, he stabbed her with a spear in the lower abdomen. She died with excruciating pains. Afterwards, Abu Jahl killed Ammar's father Yaasir. Seeing that his family were all gone, Ammar was engulfed with grief and despair.

Maemun :  SubhanaLlah! How I wish I was there to help him and his family .. (Maemun said amidst tears)

Maemunah: I despise Abu Jahl for that. Ummy, continue.

Jameelah :  Maa Sha Allah! Ammar was broken in tears.. Abu Jahl asked him to renounce Islam. He did it out of fear and sorrows.

Maemun and Maemunah: SubhanaLlah! That Abu Jahl is a bad person!

Jameelah continued.

Jameelah : And Ammar was released from his captivity and tuture... Ammar raced to the prophet after this heart wrenching scenes.

"O messenger of Allah! I have been destroyed ', I have denied my belief" Ammar cried. Then, he narrated the incident to the peophet. The messenger of Allah asked him "How is your heart?" He asked to verify if his heart has approved what he said. "My heart is full of belief" Ammar replied. Then, prophet Muhammad said "Ammar is full of belief from head to toe. If you are tortured like this again, it is permissible for you to do the same thing in order to get rid of them." The prophet comforted and placated him.  He admonished and reminded him of Allah's forgiveness. It was believed that Allah revealed to the prophet concerning the incident.

"Whoever disbelieves in God after having believed in Him—not the one who is compelled (to utter a word of disbelief) under duress while his heart is at peace with faith, but the one who embraces disbelief wholeheartedly—upon such people is wrath from God, and they will suffer a great punishment." (Surah 16: 106) 

Though some people criticized Ammar and called him a disbeliever. But the prophet cautioned them... Ammar was reported to have related several hadeeths... He grew from a fearful youth into a fearless and strong man and fought several battles. He was also among the companions that built the masjid of the prophet.

The prophet (pbuh) had previously predicted the nature of his death that the last thing he'll drink will be milk. He was martyred in the battle of Siffin at the age of ninety four. He asked for water in the middle of the battle, alas! There was no water and he was given milk. He recollected the sayings of the prophet as he gulped the milk and his face shone with brightness . He fought fearlessly and died in the battle.

Maemunah:  Ummy, but he shouldn't have collected the milk so that he will still be alive and Maemun and I will pay him a visit in Medina.

Maemun : Yes! We'll plead Abby to take us there to see him.

Jameelah laughed.

Jameelah : That means, destiny will always prevail. He had no other choice than drinking the milk as there was no water and he was thirsty.... Secondly, the Sahabahs were  different from us. They were not afraid to die. Because of thier love for Allah and hereafter. They do not value worldly materials..... It was the will of Allah that he would die that day. Because death is a debt everyone must pay.... Lastly, if you wish to see him you'll meet in Jannah insha Allah!

Maemun: Really?

Jameelah : Maa sha Allah! If you wish to. In Jannah, your wishes shall be granted... That's why we must obey Allah and our parents.. So that Jannah will be ours, insha Allah!

Maemunah and Maemun: JazakiLlahu kayran ma for giving us the story of Ammar and his family.

Jameelah : Aameen wa antum cuties ...............

Subsequently, she served her children plantain and beans. After taking thier meals she took them to the bathroom to wash them one after the other.
She slept in the middle of the two, singing lullaby for them. She realized her children were asleep after a while and separated their beds.

Jameelah went to the bathroom to have her shower and adorn herself with her lingerie and a slight make-up. Afterwards, she dashed to the living room to check out the time as she sat on a couch..... She couldn't stop reminiscing through what happened earlier with her dripping tears.

She heaved a sigh!

Jameelah :  Mubarak is getting married again without informing me. Why did he do that? Our love was pure and sincere. Even till now, I'm not convinced enough until I hear it directly from him.
The door alarm rang, she gently walked to the door to open it for her husband.

To be cont'd
Olafiku Maryam Umm Muslimah.

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