Elena looked to Echo; they did not want to believe their guardian to be crazy. Elena sighed and said, "Look, I'm going to call Bonnie. The rings were made by a Bennett witch. Maybe a witch can reverse the damage." 

Alaric slid the ring across the table, "Take it. I don't want it anymore." 

"Ready to ditch this house of horrors?" Damon asked as he walked into the room and Echo walked over to stand with Alaric. Wincing a bit, Damon groaned, "Oof. You look terrible." 

The older man scoffed at his comment, "Yeah. Let me... let me check out of here."

Echo sent Damon a look before she followed behind the history teacher to check him out of the hospital. 

ECHO got out of the car at Wickery Bridge with Alaric, Damon and Meredith. The bridge was being restored as one of Carol's new project where she was bossing people around. Rebekah was talking with the mayor being watched by Damon closely. 

Having a gut feeling about the girl, Damon said, "Rebekah's up to something. She's been snooping around in places she shouldn't be." 

"As opposed to her usual murderous activities," Echo retorted at the vampire, wearing a smile on her face. He bent down and pecked her on the lips. "But, tell me why we are here? Ric should be at home right now."

"Just because Ric is an accidental psycho killer the world can't stop," he responded and Echo reached forward and slapped him upside the head, grinning as he turned around to stare at her with surprised eyes.

"Do you have any tact whatsoever?" Meredith asked Damon with a scowl on her features.

"Hey, that's my boyfriend you're talking about!" Echo exclaimed, "Also, no he does not." She giggled as Damon swiftly turned to her.

The group smiled as Carol made her way over to them. "Alaric! I'm glad you're here. Did you bring the sign? The restored wickery bridge sign. The history department promised me you would have it today." 

"No, I don't have the sign, actually. It slipped... slipped my mind. I've been... Busy," Alaric quickly explained his situation. 

The Mayor paused for a moment before saying, clearly annoyed, "Well, it's not an emergency. We'll just, um, unveil it when the bridge is complete," she told him, leaving his side in a rush. 

Alaric looked at both of the girls, begging, "Get me out of here!" 

"My pleasure," Meredith answered him as they prepared to leave. 

Damon didn't follow behind his eyes stuck on someone in the crowd, and Echo frowned, and grabbed his hand. He sighed and looked down at her. "I'm going to stick around for a bit."

Her brown eyes searched the crowd, forming the person who he had been staring at. "Who is that?" 

He looked down at her to see her clenching her jaw as she studied the redheaded woman. He grabbed he face in his hands and made her look up at him. "No one important. At least, I don't think so." He leaned down and pecked her lips before saying, "I'll come by later."

She nodded and watched as he walked away from her. She then sighed and turned to Alaric and Meredith, and said, "He's probably on his way to do get killed."

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