
7 0 0

Gender: Male
Origin: Spanish or Italian

Arlo- "An Italian variant of Charles.
The Spanish word for the 'barberry tree'.
An Old English variant of Harlow, derived from the Anglo-Saxon words here and hlaw, meaning 'army hill'." -Baby Name Wizard

"Arlo has many possible derivations: possibly a shortened form of Italian name Carlo, in Basque-speaking regions it is the word for area, and in English, Arlo was first used in the 16th Century by Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene and is thought to derive from the Celtic word Aherlow (meaning between two highlands)." -Nameberry

I personally found the name Arlo from the movie The Good Dinosaur and fell in love with the gentle but mighty sound of it and the soft and sweet energy it gives.

Middle Name Combos:

Arlo Nikolas
Arlo Wesley
Arlo Isaiah
Arlo Henley
Arlo Flynn

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