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I've been in and out of the apartment multiples of time without telling Wooyoung what I was doing.

But when I found the perfect place to eat at a nice restaurant, that wasn't too pricey or too cheap, I felt accomplished for finding somewhere at the right time.

It was getting pretty dark and I didn't want to eat out really late. So, when I got back to the apartment, I was relieved that Wooyoung was in his room. I tip-toed to my room and trashed around my drawers to find something to wear.

What do girls where on dates? I thought to myself in panic.

Do they wear a well fitting shirt with their pants; a dress; or a blouse that's tucked into their skirt?

I didn't know what to wear so I hurriedly chose the third option for me. I already took a shower before leaving the apartment today so I only styled my hair; did my makeup; and moisturised my skin. I threw the pair of clothes on me and checked myself in the mirror.

In every angle, I felt satisfied with how I looked.

I really looked good, I thought with a teethy-smile.

I cleared my throat and tried my best to sneak my way out of the place without Wooyoung noticing.

When I was about only a couple feet away from the front door, I heard Wooyoung's bedroom door open and I felt my heart thump against my rib cage in alarm.

"Miyeon?" I heard him call out.

I opened the door and stepped out of the place and then slammed the door behind me without answering back. I hovered a hand over my heart when I felt it beating at a fast pace and breathed to calm it down.

I had my phone; my wallet; and my car keys in the palm of my hand and walked out of the apartment building.

I drove to the restaurant and went in to get our reserved seat. A nice waiter lead me to an empty table and set down two menus.

"What would you like to drink?"

"I would like a glass of water, please," I smiled.

He walked away and I took out my phone to text Wooyoung.

Hey, I have somewhere for us to eat tonight. Don't dress too formal.

After messaging him the address, I received an immediate text from Wooyoung.

Alright, I'll be there in a little while.

I let out long breath and set my phone down. My leg couldn't stop tapping. I was nervous. From the past time Wooyoung and I hang out by ourselves, the mood was always ruined. Mostly because of me and I didn't want that to happen tonight.

As time passes by, I was talking to myself, pretending that Wooyoung was in front of me. I had to practice what I was going to say, answering questions that he could possibly ask. Although I was getting some weird stares from a couple, a table away, I didn't mind them much.

The waiter came back with my glass of water, the same time I saw someone entering the restaurant in the corner of my eye. I adverted my gaze to the main entrance and saw Wooyoung standing at the door with a hand behind his back.

He was hiding something.

I raised my hand to get his attention and he found me. A smile appeared on his face and he strolled over to the table and sat down, where he took a bouquet of roses from behind him.

"Sorry, I came rather late, I was having a hard time picking out what kind of flowers to give you. I chose roses because they're, well, beautiful, and it reminded me of you,"

My face has never been anymore redder than it already is.

He handed me the flowers and I didn't waste my time to take big whiff out of it. I let out a sigh and set the flowers down on the table.

"Also, I didn't know what colour roses were a good choice so I chose the typical red roses. I was going to call Nari for help but I decided to do this one on my own. I hope you don't mind,"

I shook my head and waved it off, "no, it's totally fine, I very appreciate it. Thank you."

roommate. wooyoungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora