
I turn back around, maybe Sam was mistaken, I freeze when I see multiple silhouettes standing in the doorway. I can't see their faces to know who they are.

I cringe and shut my eyes when suddenly the gym is engulfed in brightness.

"Vivienne?" Now that I can see more clearly I realize that Savannah, Carla, and Tanner are all here too.

"You didn't come to my party. Why?" Vivienne glared at me.

"Um, I wanted to but I just couldn't come." I stammered, they stood in spots that now had me surrounded by all four of them.

"Well that's a shame, you missed your big surprise, a surprise I spent a lot of time planning and just hoping you'd get to experience." She said almost cheerily. Her voice sounded so false that warning bells went off in my head and I clutched onto my bookbag straps tighter.

"Um, I'll come to the next one. I promise."

"Oh there's no need, it's not a big deal, we can just reenact it now." She said and gave Tanner behind me a look, then a nod of her head.

"What're you-," suddenly I feel giant arms envelop me and lift me off the ground.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screech, kicking out my legs and scratching at his arms, but he's not even phased.

He carries me across the gym while I kick and scream bloody murder the whole way. We pass through a door when I get a huge whiff of chlorine, and that's when I know we're in the pool room. I hear them all following close behind us, the massive pool in our view. Tanner stops at the edge of the pool.

Oh no.

"And away she goes," Vivienne sang.

I feel a rush of air and then coldness as the water completely engulfs me. I swallow a bunch of water and for a split second I make no movement, unable to process that this was really happening, these things were only supposed to happen in the movies.

Finally, I break through to the surface. I'm not the strongest swimmer and my muscles are sore, still healing from my painful episodes from Friday night. Quickly I swim to the ledge and pull myself out of the water, I lay on the floor coughing violently and sputtering out all the water I just swallowed. Pulling out my wet inhaler, I take mouthful puffs, while all of them stand around, watching and laughing.

"You have a lot of nerve thinking I'd ever befriend someone like you."


I try not to cower when I see Vivienne standing a foot from me, "that's for trying to get at my boyfriend KNOWING he has a girlfriend you piece of vermin shit. I'm shocked you even tried it, looking like a cow and all. What made you think he'd ever be interested in you?"

I stare at her in complete shock, is this what she thinks? Is this why she hates me? "This must be a misunderstanding! I didn't! I w-would never do that!" I stutter through my broken words

"I know just the thing to teach you a lesson, If you're gonna come up in my school and act like a desperate skank, then I'm going to make sure everyone knows it."

She held her hand out and Savannah hands her a small rectangular object.

"Let's take some more before and after pics."

The flash blinds me for a moment and Savannah and Carla take that time to seize my arms. They each grasped an arm of my sweatshirt and pulled.

My sweatshirt, sweatshirt is torn clean off my body like it was a piece of flimsy fabric. All I had on underneath was a soaked tank top that stuck to my skin.

Tame a Monster (Dark Romance Novel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz