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Today's the battle of the eagle and lion aka a mock battle between the blue lion house and the black eagle house (and the golden deer house are there too I guess). Everyone has been working hard to this very day and me? I've actually almost forgotten that there was this battle in the first place. Because of my condition Rhea stated, I better stay at the monastery. Thank God she also assigned me guards for my protection. I don't want to get kidnapped again yeesh. Good thing I'm actually able to walk on my own, with help of crutches that Manuela finally gave me after what felt like weeks. This battle will take a lot of time so I'll use my precious time with studying. The library is the best place to find knowledge around here, so here I am, my two guards right around the corner observing me and my environment. While I read a book about the history of crests, the knights start talking in hushed voices. They probably think I'm so occupied with reading my book that I can't hear them, too bad I've been actually concentrating on everything but the letters in front of me! The power of procrastination. "Why even were we assigned to this kid anyway? Isn't she just a normal brat like the others?" "Yeah I don't know. I've also never heard of any of the especially royal kids getting the knights of seiros as their personal guards. Not even the crown prince and princess wanted any special guards around." "what's the deal with her then. You think she's got any special ability that needs to be guarded? Or maybe a super rare crest?" "I think she only has really rich and also really overprotective parents. Wasn't she one of those kidnapped girls? Her parents were probably worried sick once they've heard the news, now they're making sure she stays safe till the end." OK I've had enough this is so boring. I close my book, get back up and look around for something more interesting. 

Long story short, there wasn't anything and I ended up having one of the longest walks in my entire life. Of course I did take breaks but I just didn't have anything better to do. I tried making small talk with my knights but they don't see me as a person I guess. I'm now walking to the shopping area with all the merchants. I get out the big hall in front of the market place and look left. It's. It's the gate keeper. I walk up to him with a friendly smile automatically spreading across my face. "hi there! You're the gatekeeper around this place right?" "yes ma'am, if you're asking about how recent things went then I can gladly tell you that there's nothing to report!" "Ah that's great to hear. Do you like working around the monastery? Oh I'm (y/n) by the way." "My name's Dylan. And yes, I love working here. Being able to watch over all these people each and every day is a bliss and knowing Lady Rhea needs me is more than enough rewards for a simple man like me. I do a not so good job sometimes though. Just as last month with the kidnapping incident... I would've never forgiven myself if even one of those girls died then." "It's ok Dylan, it's only human to make mistakes sometimes. It was the death knight after all who kidnapped them, he's almost another kind of entity. I heard he's that strong." "Thank you for your kind words... I don't deserve them though, you were one of the victims right? You're still recovering from the injuries that could've been prevented. I'm so sorry." he looks down in shame. "OK stop right there. Raise your head high. Just because I got kidnapped doesn't mean it's your fault. It's the death knights fault don't forget that." I try to continue but another knight appears and takes Dylan's place. "it's my lunch break now, care to join me?" "sure lead the way"

I've had lunch with the cute gatekeeper and continue back to my main quest of getting to the market. His names Dylan... I actually imagined him to be named something more exotic like Marney or something. Either way this world is amazing for giving me more information. The game would've never told me what his name is. I continue to wobble towards the stairs and find myself in a predicament. How tf should I get this flight of stairs down with my crutches. I look at the two knights beside me with a lost look. "hey uhm, I know you guys don't like me... But could you maybe do me a teeny tiny favor?" "what do you want?" the one with brown hair said in a monotone voice. "well... I want to go down the stairs but need some help. Could you perhaps help this girl out in her hour of need?" the other scoffs and he just rubs his temple. "OK but only because rhea would be angry if we don't." they take me by my arms and try to get me to walk down. Yeah not happening. I almost fall down and they catch me. "OK that seems to be impossible. How else should we get her down Mark?" Mark, the blond, groans out in annoyance and let's go of me. I thankfully still have my crutches In my hands and stand on those. With one quick swoop Mark picks me up bridal style. I'm surprised and drop the sticks in my hands. "Sven you go and take her crutches, I'll carry her down." he just walks down the stairs with ease. Like I'm just not there. "OK I was not expecting you to just carry me... I'm sorry for being such a bother to you..." I look down in my lap. "yeah you better be, I had important training scheduled in for me, but now I'm here looking after you." I stay silent until we're fully down. He places me back on the ground and his friend gives me back my walking aids. I walk up to the shops and look at all the items I can't afford. Being in a new world without money is great, I tell you. I look at a sword that's for sale and get an idea to where I should go next. This battle will still take a lot of time and damn I'm bored. 

I'm taking a different route, no way in hell will I walk up those stairs again. I walk around the pond and try to find a way towards the dormitory rooms in the 1st floor. "hey Sven," I look at the brunette knight, "what would you have done today if it weren't for me needing guards? " "I think I had sparring matches scheduled in, why? You felling guilty for taking my time or what?" I just wink at him and continue to walk in my slow pace. 

We arrive at a double door, leading to the training grounds. Sven opens them for me and I enter the big area meant for beating your partner senseless. As pretty much everyone is at Grondor field there's no-one around here. "so you've been sulking the whole time about me being a bother, so here we are. You can go ahead and train like you intended to. I'll be just here sitting and minding my own business." I sit down at the ledge and see their confused faces. "w-we can't just train while we're on guard duty!? You're actually insane you know that kid?" Sven says dumbfounded. Mark on the other hand seems to really like this idea and already picked up a training sword. He trows it towards Sven. "you're just scared about losing against me you coward!" Sven catches it and laughs towards Mark. "Ha! In your dreams! " mark picks up another sword and they start clashing their blades against each other in a full on battle. Me? Well I couldn't care less what's happening. I lean against a wall and start dozing off. I actually wanted to take a nap since like I woke up. And this is just the perfect opportunity. Seeing people fight each other isn't really entertaining irl, if it were like an anime than I'd be a whole different story of course. The darkness finally takes me in while the sound of metal clashing gets quieter.

"wakey wakey Sleeping Beauty~" I stir with my eyes still closed. Jeez how long did I sleep in this uncomfortable place? I rub my eyes and yawn before looking at the person interrupting my precious nap. "oh good mowning cwaude" I say still sleepily. I yawn again as Claude snickers at my response. "You actually fell asleep in this place? What about your guards? Shouldn't they have at least dine something about it?" "Nah I told them to resume their training while I rest here. You know how boring it was around here without you?", he shakes his head, " I actually tried reading a book about the history of yarn! Yarn for God's sake! Why would I ever need this information?" he laughs with while helping me up. "Hey you guys! Your shifts over, you can go now." Claude says while guiding me out the battle area. The guards seem relieved and say their goodbyes. "soooo who won?" "guess~" "hmmmmm then it must be the blue lions! Dimitris really cute he could handle that battle perfectly" I teasingly say, Claude looks annoyed. "guess again" "haha just kidding deer, it's the golden deer that won this time right?" he smiles a bright smile and nods, he's so proud what a precious boy! After a bit more walking we end up in the cafeteria. What? Oh right the big feast after that great battle. I'm so forgetful these past days. That's no good, if I become an amnesiac I'll be useless. Everyone I know is already sitting and eating. The moment we enter everyone stops and shoots in glee. I start laughing at their joy and walk over to two free seats. Claude right beside me. Everyone talks and eats as if they're doing it for the first time in over months. I cant help but feel my smile spread out even further as Claude tells me about how exciting certain turns in the battle were. But I can also feel something nor being right, I try to ignore it but the longer I try to concentrate on the story, the more I feel eyes watching me from the shadows. It's Hubert isn't it? Well shit. Whatever I'll just ask Claude if I can stay over at his place tonight. No way in hell am I going to just let myself get kidnapped again, like I'm dumb but I'm not that dumb ok? 

change of plans, Claude ate so much and is now in a fucking coma. How are you able to do that? Whaaaaaat??? Maybe I could ask Hilda if I could stay at her place..... Yeah no she wouldn't help me, maybe Ignaz? Or Leonie? Nah forget her I can't stand her crush on Jeralt. I could ask lysithia. Yeah that's a good option! But now that I realize it everyone already left. I'm alone in the dining hall. Shit better get up quickly. I try to stand up, but two hands force me back down. I can't turn around to see who it is. "Where do you think you're going?" yup this is how I officially die.

(DISCONTINUED) From another world (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now