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Now here I am at the amiibo gazebo. Would it be possible to scan an amiibo here if I had one on me? Now that I think about it how would that work? Like in the game you just have the option to scan the thing through your switch, but here there are no switches nor amiibos from what I know. Would I just hold the figure to the red part orrrrr? No I should really stop thinking abut this, it's getting late too, the sun is setting. I turn to walk back to my room but spot a figure in the corner of my eye. Was that Jeritza? He's going to the training grounds by what his route looks like. Should I follow him? He is probably the death knight tho..... If I die tonight it'll be alright cuz I got to see and talk to Claude so that's an absolute win for me! I run after him. "E-excuse me?" I shout after him. He stops and turns around. "Yes what is it?" He says with this 'I don't give a fuck' tone. "I'm new here, could you tell me where the training grounds are that everyone is talking about?" I ask with a fake confused look. And mom said going to the drama club was a waste of time, take that! "You're in luck, I was just headed there. Follow me..." He begins walking and I walk next to him, yet slightly behind him. "My names (y/n) and you are?" "I'm Jeritza, a knight" I nod in acknowledgment. No other words are spoken on our walk. We arrive and I start looking around while glancing at Jeritza from time to time. I get bored and start watching him train. At first he used some normal lances but then he switched to a sickle. "You look just like death while swinging that sickle around haha" I close my mouth again as I see his reaction. Shock, intrigue but most importantly anger. He looks around the vacant training grounds. "What. Do. You. Know?" Looks like I'm fucked. My fight or flight sense responds fro me and before I know it I'm in a full on dash, running as fast as possible away from him. Shit shit shit, his quick steps start catching up to me. I spot a turn to the right and try to make the turn, by my speed I wasn't able to make it quick enough and run full force into the wall. I just shield myself with my arms and continue running. Adrenaline courses through my body making me pretty much numb to what just happened. I run but my sight gets clouded by tears falling down my face. My breathing gets hitched and I feel myself start getting slower and slower. I go and make another turn but instead of an empty hallway I crash into a certain someone. His strong hands catch me before we fall and I quickly run behind him. "Whoah whoa- What just happened? (y/n) why were you running like your life depended of it?" he chuckles, but instantly stops as he hears my sobs. He tries to turn around to face me but I hold his shoulders in place. "D-Don't, he'll u-use that as an o-o-opening t-to attack." Claude tenses and get's a pocket knife out. "Could that be the person that kidnapped Flayn?" "Mhhhm" I nod as I lean my body onto his chest for support. No wait I shouldn't let my guard down. I quickly look behind me but spot no one. I take my hands off of him to fully look behind me, but still nothing. We stand like that for some more seconds before we hear quick footsteps running to the opposite way. "He ran away." Claude sighs and puts his dagger down. And at that moment the adrenaline thought it would be best to just stop working. My legs start shacking and then they give out. I fall on my knees and continue sobbing louder with my hands holding my face. I feel an arm wrap around me and I look up to see Claude side hugging me. Fuck I should be happy but this was just traumatizing. "(y/n) do you think you're able to walk?" I wipe away some tears, yet they keep on coming. I nod a little. Claude takes his arm away and offers me his hand to stand up. I take his hand and try to get myself on my feet. I'm a bit wobbly at first but am soon able to walk with the support of Claude's arm that I cling to for dear life. "Your room is on the first floor right?" I nod again keeping silent. I don't want to have him hear my pathetic crying voice again. We walk and walk until we stop infront of my room. I shakily pull my key out of my pocket and try to unlock my door. I somehow hear a click and open the door. Thank god I put my other world clothes in a closet or I would need to explain more than just this incident. I walk over to my bed and cover myself with my blanket. I hear the door close and feel one side of the bed getting weighed down. "Hey everything is ok now. Do you know who it was that chased you?" I pop my head out from under the blanket to see Claude look at me with an empathetic look. I sniff some more and dry my eyes with the blanket before looking back at him. Should I tell him that it was Jeritza? But that would be giving him to much information wouldn't it? "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I know that it must've been very terrifying to be in this situation, but please we need every bit of information we can on our search for Flayn." "C-can I tell you tomorrow? I-I feel unwell..." I croak out. He sighs in defeat and nods. "Ok, report to me first thing in the morning got it?" "Yes" he smiles and ruffles my head before walking to the door. "O-oh one thing," he looks back at me, "check my pillow if anything happens." He looks shocked but returns to his smiley face again. "I'll keep that in mind, even though nothing will happen." he chuckles and wishes me a good night before walking out my room. I get up and lock the door quickly. Ah mannnn why did I have to make that joke!? I knew it would get me killed and now this? Hngh better make hints for Claude cuz I'm 100% sure I will not see the morning light.

Claude POV

I walk into the classroom about an hour before the actual classes start. Hopefully (y/n) gets here soon. I need some answers and she seems to be someone with lots of those. Why would she be targeted in the first place? What do her and Flayn have in common? I've heard that Flayns blood is pretty rare so maybe her's is too... Hmmm no it can't be, she said she's a commoner. Ok It still could be but it's highly undoubtedly. Could she have walked on something that she shouldn't have seen? That could be it. And now she's getting herself eliminated because she knows too much. Yeah I'll go with that. Before I know it class started yet no sign of (y/n). I walk up to Teach and tell him what I know. "We need to check up on her. The risk is too high that she's gotten herself kidnapped too." I agree and we leave the classroom. "We need to check up on something important guys, we'll be right back" I smile and leave. Hopefully she's still alive. I really wanted to know her secrets...

Byleth stops me as we reach the dorms. He gets his sword out and pushes open the door with it. Those are definitely weapon marks on that handle. Someone broke into her room last night. Shit if only I stayed she might've still been here. I walk in afterwards and see nothing amiss, except (y/n) of course. Byleth opens her closet and closes it quickly after. He really respects the privacy of a girl huh? I look through some drawers but there is nothing in them. Not even normal junk I would own. She just moved here, yet I would expect some more things in g'here that she owns. Perhaps she owns nothing? That would mean she was a poor commoner, but how did she end up in Garreg mach then? You have to pay an enormous prize for being able to learn here. Her person gets more interesting everytime I discover something about her. I should really try to befriend her to get these secrets out of her... "Teach I think there is nothing here that could help us. We should head back to class and tell everyone about (y/n) missing now too." He nods and we go back to class. Wait she said something about checking her pillow yesterday didn't she? I should do that later.

Besides everyone getting the information about another missing person and getting a little uneasy about it, class was just as boring as it always is. I walk out of the classroom and am instantly stopped by none other than teach. "We need to report this to the archbishop" I knew this is gonna happen, but I really want to search (y/n)s room again. Guess I can't talk myself out of this as I'm the last person she talked to yesterday.

"Hello Professor, Claude, did you find some clues on the case?" her motherly voice asks. "Well yes and no, you see there is another person missing" I say getting straight to the point. "Oh my who is it this time?" she asks concerned. "It's (y/n), we found her room broken into. There were no signs of a struggle." teach says. "So she must've been taken in her sleep. Is there more?" "Yes, I bumped into her last night. She was running from a man. This person is a great threat as she told me he would attack at any given opportunity. She was lucky yesterday that I was there but then I left her in her room alone..." I look at the ground. Fuck this is actually really painful. "It wasn't your fault she was kidnapped. This is the kidnappers fault. You surely talked to her about the incident didn't you?" "I tried but she didn't answer any of my questions. The trauma still freshly on her mind and all." "I see..." Silence. "But she did give me a hint," Rhea looks at me anxiously, "she told that id something were to happen to her, that I search her pillow for a clue. She somehow knew this was going to happen... " Rhea nods and Byleths face is emotionless as always. "Then would you two go and search for this clue and report back?" "Of course" he answers and we excuse ourselves.

This time I walk straight over to her messy bed. I open the pillow case and search through the feathers. My hands touch something other than feather and I pull the item in question out. It's a letter. I clear my throat and read out loud "Masked knight". "She probably means the death knight with that right? But how will this help us hmmm" Byleth looks at the paper and asks me to hand it over. He scans the page as well but comes to no other conclusion himself it seems. "I'l go and report this to Rhea, you can go back and continue with your day if you want." "Thanks I'll leave it to you then Teach." He walks out and I search some more through the room. I look under her bed and the covers. I search through the desks and shelves yet nothing like this morning. I spot the closet and walk over. I open them and see something rather interesting. These clothes, they must be from her but they look so weird. Did she arrive in these? Which country has clothes like these? Hmmm I really hope she's alive my god, I need to know. I put the clothes back inside and close the closet again. Time to research in the library yet again.

(DISCONTINUED) From another world (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now