"So..." she rubbed her palm on her arm, and bit her lip, "where is he?"

"He is in a meeting with Pixis, Zachary and the Queen. He'll be here any minute now," Hange answered.

"Is it really true? Has he really.. lost.. an arm?"

"The better one, actually," Levi tried to lighten the mood.

As Aura looked away at the Cadets, Hange rolled her eyes at him, mouthing 'not cool'.
"Connie? Connie Springer, is that you?" Aura seemed to recognize one of the Cadets.

Connie looked up and examined her face. "Dr. Tubrey?" He shook her hand and said, "hasn't it been a really long time, Doctor? I almost didn't recognize you there."

"Yes, Connie, it has been four years since I left Ragako," she touched his shoulder, "I heard about Mrs. Springer, honey. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Connie scratched his head, "I'm not sure, ma'am, if I've really lost her yet."

The Commander's heavy voice startled everyone. Their eyes met for a brief couple of seconds, before hers shifted towards his flapping sleeve. She immediately looked away, her eyes tearing up. She drew a sharp breath in and walked towards him, putting a smile on her lips.

"Erwin," she called him out, and placed one hand on his cheek, "how are you?"

His stern face almost melted at her touch. As the Cadets kept looking at them in awe, he took her hand in his and said, "I've never been better than I am right now."

As Pixis and Zachary appeared with the Queen Historia, Aura withdrew her hand. The latter, older woman gazed at awe as a 16-year old girl was introduced to her as the Queen of the nation. However, she had heard all the stories about all that was going on in the Scouts, Garrison and Military Police through letters and she knew that Historia was worth it.

"This is Dr. Aura Tubrey, Your Highness," Pixis introduced her, "she was appointed to the Scout Regiments back when Erwin, Nile, Hange and the others were only starting out as captains. If I'm not wrong, that is when she met Commander Smith here, right Erwin?" The old, bald man laughed out, as if mocking the innocence of youngsters.

"The two of them have decided to get married after Wall Maria has been recaptured, isn't that right?"

Aura only half-smiled, getting all uncomfortable. She could only imagine how pissed Erwin must be. "Yes, Sir," he answered, sounding unusually unwavered.

"Oh is that true?" Historia spoke in her child-like innocent voice, "where are you currently appointed, Doctor?"

"In the Ehrmich district, Your Highness."

"Oh! That's pretty close to the palace, right? Were you there when the Commander was taken into custody?"

"Yes, Your Grace, I was in the district. I wasn't allowed to meet him though."
She teared up a little again, only imagining what all Erwin had to go through.

As Historia made her way towards the dias for her coronation, the more interesting subject of concern for the Cadets was the new woman. They stared at her like she wasn't supposed to exist. Erwin Smith's girlfriend? Seriously?

Did Erwin Smith really have a soft side? Was Erwin Smith even lovable? Was he even capable of love?

"From as far as I can remember," Connie whispered to the rest as the coronation ceremony began, "she is the sweetest person you'll ever meet in your entire life. To see her with Erwin Smith... it's surprising! I guess it's true that opposites attract."

"What did I tell you guys about shutting up?" Levi Ackerman gave them his death stare for a solid ten seconds.

As the Cadets stood in silence, they couldn't take their eyes off their much respected yet much feared Commander and his supposed girlfriend.

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