Chapter 30 - A New Card (Part 2)

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Translator: Star River from wangmamaread

Proofreader: Rhith

After hearing what he said, Xie Mingzhe sent him an invitation right away. Seconds later, Tang Muzhou's smurf account entered Xie Mingzhe's individual space. Xie Mingzhe led him straight to his study. Compared to Legend Tang's study which was full of research material, Xie Mingzhe's was not that splendid.
He scratched his head, feeling embarrassed, and said, "Legend Tang, my place is quite stark."

Tang Muzhou said mildly, "That doesn't matter. Let's see those cards first."

Xie Mingzhe then took out two new cards, [Xi Shi] and [Wang Zhaojun].

Seeing those two beauty cards, Tang Muzhou squinted his eyes suddenly——'Xi Shi Making Fish Sink' was designed to target a player who used cards with the Water attribute. 'Zhaojun Making Flying Wild Geese Fall' was aimed at Shan Lan's flying wild geese card that had the highest attack speed.

Xie Mingzhe said to him, "According to your instruction, I managed to raise the Agility to 30. Now I suppose these two IDE cards are qualified."

Tang Muzhou didn't hide his tone of admiration, "This is incredible. I didn't expect that you can make progress so rapidly."

Being praised by the legend, Xie Mingzhe smiled humbly and said, "Thanks to your instruction, I have already figured out how to distribute the data of IDE cards. And I'm getting better and better in creating cards with high Agility."

Tang Muzhou said, "You just said you had questions. What confused you?"

Xie Mingzhe pointed to [Wang Zhaojun], "Originally I wanted to set it as a card with the Water attribute. How come it became a card with the Metal attribute?"

"Because of the weapon." Tang Muzhou took one look and found the reason immediately. He explained, "In this game, all cards with metal weapons, such as bows and arrows, swords, daggers as well as broadswords, are classified as Metal cards. Wang Zhaojun holds a Chinese lute which has metal strings, and that's why the system turned the attribute of this card into Metal automatically when it examined the ultimate data."

Xie Mingzhe was still a little confused, "Nevertheless, Wang Zhaojun playing the Chinese lute should belong to the sound wave attack. It's not like she is going to hit people with the Chinese lute directly. Given her attack method, is this card still meant to be classified as a Metal card? I mean, it's ridiculous that the weapon is the only standard during the database examination."

"You're right. And Ling Jingtang is to blame for this." Tang Muzhou said patiently, "He made his debut in the second season. The man invented cards with the Metal attribute by creating a bunch of anthropomorphic weapon cards. His set of playing cards with the Metal attribute had very strong Critical Strikes that influenced all Metal cards. The authority changed the database rules for him——As long as there is a metal weapon in a card, the card will be classified as a Metal card."

"Oh, now I get it!" the light dawned on Xie Mingzhe all of a sudden.

It's obvious that Ling Jingtang was an incredible legend, since his cards alone could affect the whole Metal card group and made the authority change the database's setting. Just like Tang Muzhou who completed plant cards with the Wood attribute as well as Nie Yuandao who influenced beast cards with the Fire attribute, Legend Ling must have led the improvement of the card group with the Metal attribute.

"Legend Tang, why don't you take a [Xi Shi] and a [Wang Zhaojun] when you leave." Xie Mingzhe said.

"How much?" Tang Muzhou was about to dip into his pocket when he heard Xie Mingzhe said, "It's cool. You don't have to pay."

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