The day of the competition I saw Mckayla. She had gotten there the night before because her coach wanted her to stay in a place for a while so that the traning would go easier and she wouldn't have to deal with time changes that badly but she was all good. That day she was the number behind me and so it would be like the competiton before. If i got in 4th place or higher I would be able to move onto the Olympic Trials and compete for a sport on the team. From then I would train with Marta Karolyi and Misty to get  very very good for the next 2 weeks of competitng from that in London. The one thing that worried me was that Mckayla found out One Direction was perfomring at the closing ceremonies. The one good thing was that there were tens of thousands of us and they would probably not be able to spot me in a crowd that large.

That day we started on floor which I liked since it made me feel weird with everyone staring at me while I competed and so I got it over with first. Quick and easy like how you pull a band-aid off. Then onto beam where I scored my highest score ever because I tried my hardest not to fall or look like I was unbalanced and landed my dismount.

Mckayla had gotten a good score on floor, her many flips had cased her to get a deduction for jumps and hops after them. Half of them were very tiny though so even though they added up to around 1.4 points, which wasn't that much from her 16.5 score. Making it a 15.4, very good for a different rountine on day 1. She reciceved a 15.67 on beam because she had 2 balance checks. Her score becmoing slightly under mine.

After we both competed in those two events we had lunch where we checked the score board. I was in 1st place by 1 point followed by Gabby, Jordyn, and then Kyla. Mckayla and Aly were behind her by .09 and.08 in their scores which I knew made them mad. They deserved to be in front of Kyla but she was 18 and had more experinece in these competitons. 2 more years worth of competiting like this than us.

The second half of the day was bars and vault. I knew vault was what would get Mckayla a higher score and so I really hopped, even though it was not good to do this, that Kyla fell on her butt during her one and only vault. Kyla had vault before us. She had gotten the same rotations as us which pissed the two of us off. It seemed that we had good luck because we were either before or after one another.

My bars went perfectly and I added a 1/2 twist to my landing since that was what I did in practice and was able to land very well. Mckayla landed well but had gotten a large deduction for a large hop that she took when she didn't lant well. Kyla well, she scored right in-between the two of us. That day was also the first day I would start to guard my watch more because in-between bars and vault, One Direction showed up. They had come to the mall and learned of a gymnastics competiton being held nearby. It was when I first saw them. My brother of course looked worried sick and did I care. No one bit. Never would I again. The way my life had gone. He was a part of what happened before I changed, before I would stop being a Tomlionson. No, those days were gone. These were the days of the hard, strong, and tough Arielle Kilatis.

Louis caught my eyes in the crowd for a minute but then he left. It seemed like he had never even seen me.

"Hey. I saw what happened. Are you ok?" Mckayla asked me right after One Direction had left to go on their search for a girl that they didn't know was right under their noses.

"Yeah. What's done is done," I told her.

"I know. Good luck on vault and remember, beat Kyla sorry little ass," Mckayla said. I smiled at her and smiled back at me. I took a step back and began my Amanar. I used my feelings and used that anger to make me go faster and harder. I had done that before and I had gotten a nearly perfect score of beam when my mom told me I was horid and I needed to work harder. Such a nice mom. I guess she wanted me to work harder but you don't tell an 11 year old they were horid. The next competition she saw, I used all my anger and got 1st place in the all around. See, it works.

When Dreams Do Come True (Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora