Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sun shining in the hotel room. It was really bright which probably meant I had slept in a lot today. Which meant harder practice if I hadn't gotten up before Misty. She thought that I should have a routine to go on by which meant, yay, waking up at 8am everyday. Oh joy! The best thing ever. I slid out of bed and run a hand through my hair which was very very knotty. I looked at the clock that was next to the bed and it said 10:30 am. It was the day after we had come from Califonia. It was really good that I had been able to get over jet-lag by the time a day had passed. I walked into the tiny kitchen we had and opened the little cupboard. Misty always made sure she went shopping for us even if we had just come from a different state that same day. I grabbed the nutella, got a apple, and ate it all. I used nutella instead of peanut butter. Misty wasn't up yet so I was in lucky.

I changed into a pair of pink victoria secret yoga pants and a sweatshirt. Slumping on the couch, I sat and ate Nutella out of the bottle while searching for something good to watch on TV. I went onto to MTV, Punk'd had just started and I really wanted to watch this one. It was a very good one. Simon Cowell was punk'd into thinking that somebody had stolen and damaged his Rolls Royce , which was hilarious. I had texted Mckayla and we talked about random things. She had the day off from practice because she had decided that she would take a 2 day trip across the U.S. through airplanes and right now they were in a car on the way to their next airport. I had my iPhone on my stomach and put it on vibrate so that Misty wouldn't wake up.

Around 3 hours later, Misty walked into the kitchen looking tired without her daily 3 cups of coffee, one with every meal. That was her motto but during times like this it was 4 or 5 since she needed to be awake more and needed to enegery so that she could train me. It had taken a toll on all of us. With the multiple competitons and they Olympics and Worlds coming up this was our prime time. So we needed to train, hard and well for hours, more than usual at a time per day. Since, I didn't like coffee or tea (I'm a werid Brit) I usually had a pink lemonade with my breakfast to wake me up but I didn't have to do that today.

"Get off you lazy bum," Misty said as she sat down next to me. I think this also had bad memories to go with it because Misty had nearly gone to the Olympics. She had gotten through but the day before the All-Around she had been mugged and had her leg shattered. She had never been able to compete from that day forth which I think made her want to help me get my dream through. She would have a chance to go again but it would be different.

I moved over and continued to watch the TV. While eating the nutella.

"Get up. You have to practice lazy bun," Misty said.

"I don't wanna," I said with a chocolaty mouth.

"You have no choice," Misty said.

"Whatever," I replied and took the Nutella with me into my room. I changed into a sports bra and spandex. They gym was 15 minutes away which I jogged to but Misty drived. Like I said, she had a bad leg. The entire thing was a different bone from another person who had given it to her.  Misty had gotten there early. The inside was a little dirty but everything was good, she even found chalk which was weird since this place had been cleaned 3 weeks ago but it wasn't opened so her friend had bought it for her.

That day we worked on new routines and tried to get them down and memorized. There was more flippling in floor and more twists on my bar dismount which had gotten harder. More intracate hand-work. My hands had ripped again. They ripped sometimes but not as often though eventually I had gotten used to the feeling of them ripping. I wrapped gymnastics tape on them and continued to practice. We finished around 7 at night and I jogged back home. There I took a shower, changed into normal clothes, cleaned my rips and put bandages on them, and ate food. That's how the days went for the rest of the week and 1/2.

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