Chapter 3 Discover

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Miguel was knocked out on the couch.

Weiss: I can't believe this Nora you could have killed him!

Nora:I didnt hit him that hard!

Ren: Guys he doesn't have aura.

everyone stared at Nora.

Nora:...Uuhhh hehehe im sorry?

Weiss:What do you mean he has no aura?!

Ren: I mean he has no aura.


Blake: Ok how do you explain 8 strangers in his house and assaulted him?

Ruby: I knew we should have knocked first.

then all of a sudden the tv in the living room turned on and showed the news.

News person: Breaking news! after what had seemed to be a collision of a strange turn of events. people have begun to take shape into something different! Not only that strange individuals in strange clothing and equipment have started to appear as well alongside new continents and countries! Currently, the government is currently trying to asses the situation but they have recently received an order to block all states from getting the citizens to leave for their own safety! We will continue with the news after we have gathered more information about the event! This is Channel 5 news signing off!

the tv then changed to a show the rest of the world from the satellites and showed the new continents.

Weiss:Wait...Those are the continets! but I've never seen these other ones before...


he then started to stir.

Miguel: Fucking hell...Where did that bus hit me?...

He then noticed both teams staring at him.



his eyes rolled back and were back to being unconscious.

Yang: Woah Woah Woah dont go passing out on us now!

she then pucked him up by the shirt and started to slap him lightly...well as what she would describe lightly.

Miguel:*wakes up* Oooowww why does my face hurt...?

He then focused and saw yang picking him up with the rest if the group.

Miguel:eh?......HOLY SHIT!!!

he then fell back from yangs arms.


Miguel:Holy shit...Holy shit...Your...You're real...Your actually real and here standing right in front of me...

Jaune: Nora I think you hit him too hard.

Miguel:Team RWBY AND JNPR are standing right in front if me...

this got the attention of both teams.

Ruby:Wait hiw do you know our tram names.

Miguel:*sigh* Shit...Alright ill explain later....But first i have a question...

he then stood up.



Ruby: BAD! No bad words.

Miguel: That felt like a puppy trying to slap me with a feather.

(on remnant in an abandoned warehouse)

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