Chapter 11: Pokemon Re-Volts

Start from the beginning

Tracey watched the confrontation with a shocked look before he rushed to Ash, he tried to touch the boy's shoulder, but the black haired boy flinched away.

Ash turned to Allena, "So... it's a psychic type? Pikachu didn't just abandon me?" He asked hopefully.

Allena turned to Ash. "Of course! You need to have more faith in your Pokemon, if that mouse is anything, he's loyal, no something dirty is going on here..."

That was when a police bike sped up to Ash and co. and the 3 other trainers. Officer Jenny hopped out with a Ghastly at her flank.

"Oh dear, it happened again." Jenny gave a solemn look.

Ash, his companions and the 3 lost trainers looked at her. She brushed their looks off before replying. "This has been happening a lot recently. If you lost a Pokemon, please come with me."

All the trainers obliged.


*Orange Islands; Mandarin Island; Police Station*

The 3 random trainers had given the officer their stories of what happened when their Pokemon had just snapped and turned on them, with Jenny assuring them that the police of Mandarin island would get their Pokemon back for them. After all was said and done, the 3 left with hope in their hearts.

Allena then walked up to Jenny with Aero on her shoulder, Jenny eyed the rock type with surprise.

"Another unaffected Pokemon?" She asked in puzzlement.

Allena gave a look. "It's complicated, anyway Officer, do you know what's going on?" Allena needed to get a feel of what Jenny did know, did she know it was a Hypnosis attack? Or just a psychic type move in general?

Ash was sitting down, listening in, but anyone with eyes could see his crushed look. Tracey looked suspicious, he had some questions but he knew right now just wasn't the time, he'd get his answers... after this fiasco.

Jenny sighed. "For about a week now, any Pokemon within the island's borders just snaps and turns against their trainers - if they have one - that is, wild Pokemon just straight up attack anyone within their sight."

Allena, Ash, and Tracey nodded.

"The only Pokemon not affected are ghost types like this Ghastly and dark types, it's makin' me think some psychic type shenanigans are going on..." The police officer trailed off.

"Yeah, I think that too."

"What about your Aerodactyl though? It seems relatively unaffected, is it some regional variant from Alola? Or Galar? Or some other regions?"

Allena laughed. "Oh no! He's just very unique."

Aero puffed up in pride. 'Damn straight!' He smirked.

Ash spoke up then. "What are we gonna do? My Pikachu's gone! I'm not leaving this island without him." Ash spoke stubbornly.

"And we won't." Allena smirked. "I just need to grab some guys and we can get on the case."

Jenny looked surprised. "You'll help?"

Allena smiled cheerily. "Yes."

Jenny didn't like bringing children into this but she got one look at the black haired boy, blond haired girl, and headband wearing boy, and saw their unwavering stares. They were gonna help, whether she approved or not.

"I don't approve but I guess you leave me with little choice." Jenny sighed and relented.

Allena nodded with a victorious smirk.

The Betrayed Chronicles Arc 1: Betrayal and The Orange Islands [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now