XD Yerp!

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Shula: A-HahH~!!~~


Flowey: Y-Yeah... *He stops drawing. His hands were shaking* I do.... A-All the time... He never shuts up.... N-No matter how many times I beg him to... {Are you trying to make him pity you?? Pity won't stop him from leaving you~ He'll leave either way~} *Tears prick into his eyes. He was shaking so much that he dropped his pencil*


Cuphead: Mm!~ *His entire face already turned red* O-Okay, p-please d-do~!


Sans: *He pushes into her* Hah~~


Bendy: *He coughs more and more, almost tripping. He tries to make it seem casual* {Wh-Why'd she gotta go wit' me...??} 'E-'Ey, Alice...? I, eh... I'm- *Cough, cough* I'm sorry I... I were angry wit' ya fer so long.... We don' even know much 'bout each other.... *Some Ink droops onto the ground* Eh, sorry 'bout the Ink gettin' everywhere. S' jus' kinda hot out 'ere y'know...? *It's October 11th... It's honestly really cold out* {I'm glad she were gone fer so long... I don' think she know I got Inkness... I think I might be able ta' stall 'till the walk's done... I-I think....}

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