Wait, what just happened?

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About 10 minutes after (y/n) and 'Silver' met and she decided to continue playing at Mount Silver, she looked up from her game with a furrowed brow.

"What's wrong?" Asked Silver, still recovering from near hypothermia. "I can't find Trainer Red. I've gone through the whole cave and can't find him." He also furrowed his brow, but he also shivered. He doesn't really like Mount Silver.


(Y/n) spent about 8 more minutes on trying to find her game when she checked the clock in her Pokégear. It said 12:00 *she actually makes her Pokégear clock accurate*. She yawned, saved her game, shut off her Gameboy Color, and got up. "Hey Silver?" She asked. "Yes?" "I'm going to bed now, your room is right across the hall from mine. Unless you want to sleep on the couch, of course."

And with that, (y/n) walked down the dark hallway to the (f/c) door which signified it was her room.


It was 2:59 AM. Silver was tired. But he remembered something. How (y/n) couldn't find Trainer Red at Mount Silver. He snuck into her room, making only one slight noise which (y/n) didn't notice. He tiptoed over to her Gameboy Color on her nightstand, and stuck his hand into the screen. Now, he didn't break the screen, his hand went into it. He then crammed himself into the tiny little handheld console. Now that must've been a tight fit.

*timeskip* *a/n: sorry for all the timeskips*

It was morning. (Y/n) was awake, and couldn't find Silver anywhere. She searched the whole house. She was about to go search outside when she heard her gameboy which she thought was off make a noise.

She dashed to her room and to her Gameboy Color on her nightstand. It was on, to her surprise. It was on Mount Silver. In a room with Trainer Red, which confused her. On the bottom of the screen was Gold, the main/playable character of G/S/C, but he was what appeared to be asleep.  checked my player card first, just to see if anything had been hacked. His name was now Silver instead of Gold, and the person's skin tone was in the same conditions as... Silver's! That alarmed (y/n) BIG TIME. She exited the player card thing to find 'Silver' awake, and he appeared to be looking at her eyes, as if the screen were a window. A text appeared at the bottom: "Good morning, (y/n). I hope you are feeling well. When you were asleep, I decided to look for Red for you. I hope you don't mind."

Just then, the GBC started shaking. "Oh, and (y/n?) You might want to place your Gameboy on the floor..." She complied, when next thing she knew, Silver was in her room, her Gameboy Color in hand.

"Whoa... wait, what just happened?"

Haha cliffhanger >:D

Female Reader x Snow on Mount SilverWhere stories live. Discover now