CHAPTER 124: Always - End of Festival Arc

Start from the beginning

Somehow, they managed to close off the scene properly. Afterwards, the scene diverted back to the two main protagonists. Because of the ad-libbing on their last scene together, Ryoma and Ryouko would have to alter the next scene a bit. Marian and Robin had an argument thus they would have to resolve it whilst following the actual scenario line-ups which included Marian warning Robin of the next trap that Prince John would set up to catch him. For the two minute in-between scenario break, Ryoma and Ryouko were huddled together in whispers, planning what they should do for the ad-libs.

The person holding onto the backdrop is replaced and the curtain opened to the next scene. In the garden where Marian and Robin hold most of their meet-ups, Ryoma in a pale turquoise dress is standing centerstage, fidgeting and looking troubled.

Meanwhile, on the left side of the stage, Ryouko climbed up the shoulders of two of their tallest male classmates to elevate herself and made her entrance by jumping down, making the illusion of Robin flying down gracefully from somewhere. There were oohs of appreciation from the audience to appreciate their extra effort.

Marian immediately turned her, err, his head to the direction where the bandit entered and displayed a smile of both anticipation and relief. However, as Ryouko made her way towards him, Ryoma erased the smile and put on a poker-faced expression.

There is silence as the two characters merely looked at each other. Robin is the one to break the ice. "Marian... It's been a long time, since we last saw each other like this... Are you doing well?" Ryouko said, sporting a gentle smile.

"I've been very well, thank you," Ryoma answered, his voice cold. He recalled what he and Ryouko talked about just a couple of minutes ago.

"Let's do it like this. Marian is still upset at Robin and is being stubborn about seeing him but she's also sulking that he's not showing himself. Robin also wanted to see her but as he knows that she's still angry, he restrains himself and just watches her from afar. The two characters are under a misunderstanding that their significant other doesn't want to see them. Marian would be the one to give in first and makes an excuse of telling Robin about Prince John's next schemes just to see him. I'll lead the scene and you follow along my lines," Ryouko told him.

Mami was by the side listening in to compose a new narration for the narrator to say before the start of the scenario and thought, "Ehh... Why does that situation sound familiar?"

Back on the scene onstage, Ryouko sported a withered expression upon hearing Marian's cold response. "You sent an urgent letter asking to meet. I suppose that John is planning something again?" she said as if meaning to shift the subject.

"He is. Undercover palace soldiers are being put in the houses of dukes and marquises in danger of being robbed by Robin Hood and they are disguising as gardeners and servants. I just thought that you should know," Ryoma said.

Ryouko nodded and looked somber. "The merry men already got wind of that information though... They have been observing the houses of our next targets and noticed the sudden increase of servants in some households. We've investigated and discovered some of the palace soldiers we know by face," she said matter-of-factly.

As planned, Ryoma began to act annoyed. "Is that so? It seems like I have provided you with useless information. In that case, I will take my leave," he said and turned around, the long frilly skirt of the silk blue gown swishing to his movements.

Ryouko immediately chased after him in two quick steps and grabbed his wrist. "Wait, Marian. Must you act so cold to me like this? Are you not finished getting mad at me?" she asked with a concerned tone.

The crowd focused on Ryoma's expression which looked torn between the desire to blurt out forgiveness and the stubbornness to keep the angry facade. They marveled at his excellent acting skills. Who would expect that the tennis ace of Seigaku has such a talent?

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