Chapter 8

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"What's up fuckers. This is Tony; I'm busy because I'm a billionaire unlike you. I'll call you back if I feel like it," Tony's voicemail says for the fifth time now. What was he so busy with?!

"You stupid fuck..." I tell myself as I hold wrap my arms around myself tightly. God why was it never sunny in London?!

If Loki never came back I'd be perfectly healthy. Like come on! I can survive bullets, knives, fuck, even a Hulk smash but not a fucking god?!

Why was I so pathetic?!

I let my train of thought depart when I hear some shuffling then a clattering sound. I snap my head to my right to a small alleyway. I didn't see anyone at the first glance but someone, or something was there...

I observe the setting and see the moving can. The current wind speed wasn't strong enough to move it that fast, meaning something toppled it over. Trash lids were closed so wasn't from that, no windows as well.

I move into defense position as I creep in. My body didn't have enough strength to fight if needed, and if I used my powers it may create a bigger problem if there are any witnesses.

A Shield agent wasn't a Shield agent in public; my powers weren't for public areas.

"Meow..." A scruffy cat says, jumping out from a box. I stiffen myself quickly and then relax, rolling my eyes.

"You scared the shit out of me you pussy," I grumble. More shuffling...

The hair in the back of my neck rise and I try to swiftly turn around. But it's too late.

"Remember me ya little bitch?" A deep voice asks, grabbing my neck to restrain movement. I grunt as I feel something pierce my hip. The voice... I know it from somewhere. Fucking bitch why did being stabbed hurt so fucking much?!

The underground Leader Shield was after... that's who he was. Name, name? What's his name? Shit I don't know...

I hold in a scream as I feel the dagger twist around. Don't know any weaknesses.

I blink tears away as I gasp from the pain, breathing in and out heavily.

"You took everything from me," The guy growls. I have to do it.

I bring up a vine and grab his neck. I couldn't hold it for long. When his grip leaves my neck and the dagger on my hip I fall forwards and get up to turn around. My vision already starting to get hazy.

"I...don't even know...who you...are," I pant and squeeze the vine. I don't flinch when I hear the crack in his neck and drop the body. Quickly absorbing the vine back into me.

Shaking, I bring my phone out as I begin to limp back towards the apartment. I try to read the blurry names on the screen but I can't seem to let my eyes focus. I shove it back into my pocket and look at the wound.

The blood was coming out at a decent pace, but what I was about to do was worsen it...

I scrunch a part of my shirt into my mouth and grab the dagger's handle. You could tell he was a leader from the design. The wasn't thick but razor thin, and about as long as a butcher's knife.

I tried not to scream but I couldn't hold it. My shrieks of pain fill the empty street as I slowly pull out the dagger, sweat and tears going down my face. My eyes flicker and I turn towards the direction I was headed, hoping the building I could barely see was the apartment.

I take my shirt off and tie it around my waist. Clutching my side, I trudge forward. Please let me make it... I don't want to feel the pain of dying again...

*Mini Timeskip*

I was surprised I survived this long. It was probably my half Asgardian side that kept me going. But my human side was really being troublesome.

"Help...." I barely manage to whisper as I reach my door. I bring my hand up to pound on it but it's not even as loud as a knock. I try multiple attempts but each sounding weaker.

I painfully form a wooden key into my hand and try to put it in. Why wouldn't it fucking go in?

Before it can, the door opens.

"Help..." I repeat and collapse.

"W..what happened?! Dear gods, that's a lot of blood," Loki lightly gasps as he takes me in his arms, rushing me into the sofa. I grunt as he sets me down, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror before he did. My eyes were sunken and my face pale.

"I-it is going t-to be alr-ight," Loki assures me, stuttering a lot. He clutches his hair in worry as his eyes go from the wound to my fading eyes.

"No no no. Stay awake. Stay awake (y/n) please... I do not want to lose you again. I won't be able to handle it," he rambles. My thought process itself wasn't working. I had no idea how to save me...

Loki's head snaps up as he glares at the ceiling.

"GIVE THEM BACK!" He cries. Give what....?

"PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! GIVE ME MY POWERS BACK!" He continues. Nothing...

I myself didn't know how much longer I could hold myself. My human side seemed to had failed me, my asgardian side was the only one keeping me alive currently.

"I s-swear on Odin I shall not commit another sin...please..." Loki begs, now quieter. Still nothing. He looks back to me and I see his eyes, tears pooling out.

Did he didn't.

"O-ok I am g-gooing to try s-omething," he stutters, I gets up and sprints somewhere coming back in seconds with a shirt.

"Bite it," He whispers and I manage to do so.

My dull eyes quickly shoot open as I feel his hands remove the knot on my hip. I bite the shirt as hard as I can, gripping my hands tightly.

"Allfathers please keep her alive," Loki whispers to himself. His green eyes turn into a ruby red, while his pale body turns blue. His Jotun form....

"This never would have happened if I never came..." he cries and sets his hand on my wound. Immediately I'm in excruciating pain. It wasn't freezing, no it was burning.

I scream into the cloth as tears flood out of my eyes. What the hell was he doing? I wanted to yell at him to stop but I couldn't. My vision was forming black dots yet the pain wasn't gone.

I momentarily glance at Loki to see him looking away. All I could make out was his trembling lip.

The black dots grow bigger and bigger. It wasn't even 2 minutes of his hand being on and my vision completely darkens....

Did I actually update on time? Hell yeahhhhhh it's almost 3 am but it's on time. That's what matters. I'm very tired but hey atleast I updated on time (for once)

Fish Lips 2 (Loki x Reader) (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now