Chapter 48

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Akshat is getting ready in his room while guddan is talking to her mother on the phone.

Mummy: guddan I talked to your MIL yesterday, she was saying that your baby shower will be held in the 7th month.

Guddan: yes mummy I know she told me.

Mummy: I have told her that after the baby shower you will come home and stay till delivery. She agreed to it.

Guddan: I know she was telling me. Ok mummy bye I will call later. Akshat has to leave.

Akshat: what was your mother saying that you will go their till delivery.

Guddan: yes obviously it's my first delivery so I will go home and maa has agreed.

Akshat: what do you mean maa has agreed. Did anybody ask me? You are not going anywhere.

Guddan: what? Why?

Akshat: no you won't go anywhere.

Guddan: what is wrong with you? Why are you angry? It's still 2 months till the baby shower. We will see that time. Why are you over-reacting?

Akshat: I am over-reacting??? Whatever is it I won't let you go.

Guddan: sometimes I don't understand is it me who is pregnant or you?

Akshat: what??

Guddan: yes you react on such petty things. It's me who has hormonal imbalance due to pregnancy but it seems as if you have some hormonal imbalance.

Akshat: so now I react on petty things. Fine. Princess tell your mother I will not talk to her.

Guddan: champ tell your father ok.

Akshat: bye princess I am leaving for the office.

Guddan: champ tell your father to see himself in the mirror. What is he wearing or have they changed the dress code to coat and towel (laughing hard holding her stomach)

Akshat: princess tell your mother no need to laugh as I didn't forget my pant i was about to wear it and I knew I had the towel still on.

Guddan: champ tell your father to stop lying as he can't.

Akshat: ok bye princess.

Guddan: champ isn't your papa going to wear the tie today.

Akshat looks himself in the mirror and sees he isn't wearing a tie.

Akshat: princess tell your mama that when she isn't talking to me then she won't make me wear the tie as well.

Guddan stands up from the bed and stands in front of him putting the tie around his neck.

Guddan: it's you who is not talking to me. It was your decision.

Akshat doesn't reply to her. She traces his jawline with her finger and he closes his eyes. She stands on her toes and kisses his cheek.

Guddan: so you won't talk to me.

Akshat: no (eyes closed)

Guddan proceeds further kissing his other cheek. He doesn't respond so she moves towards the corner of his lips and kisses him their. Still he doesn't respond. She moves a bit more to his lips but he doesn't respond. In the process guddan has made him wear the tie and she leaves him.

Guddan: champ tell your father that mama has made him wear the tie.

Akshat looks at himself in the mirror and is frustrated.

Akshat: no way Mrs. Jindal. You can't get away like this. You teased me and now you can't leave without finishing what you started.

Guddan blushes at his comment and she moves backwards as he moves forward. She touches the cupboard and finally is caught between akshat and the cupboard. He bends slightly and kisses her on the lips while she let's him dominate. After sometime they part as guddan is breathless.

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