15 3 1

I turned and couldn't believe who were right in front of me.

"What are you two doing here again? You know this is private property, right?"

It was the two guys from a couple weeks ago.

"Yeah we kind of are the type of people to look into scary stuff." The guy on the right said.

The guy on the right had brown hair, while the sides where dyed a nice hazel color. He has such nice eyes. The outside of his eyes seemed like a light green, but if you looked deeper into his eyes it got darker. He had two small ear piercings on his left ear. You can tell he was the most talkative and open out of the two.

While the guy on the left on the other hand seemed to be more quite, and closed. The guy on the left had long messy and spiky black hair. On the left side of his hair he had a strand of hair that was put into a braid. He had his right eye covered with his hair, but I didn't really understand why. From his right eye it looked like he had such a beautiful eye color, his eye color was a light ocean blue.

I guess I was staring to much because he put on his hoodie and looked away. My heart dropped when I realized that I should've been home by now. I'm never going to hear the end of it from my parents.

"I really have to go."

I ran through the fields leaving them behind. Since it was October I ran as fast as I could through the fields because it was hecca scary. I saw the road not to far and ran over to it as fast as I can. When I did I saw my house nearby and walked the rest of the way on the road.

I opened the fence gate and walked in. I waked towards the door and opened it. I was surprised the door was opened. We usually lock it no matter what.

"I'm home."

I walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting down together watching a movie.

"How did it go?" My mom asked.

"It went good. We got a lot done too."

"Well that's good. Did you enjoy your self?" My dad asked.

"Yup. I'm going to my room to rest for a bit."

"Alright sounds good, but come back before 6, I need your help to make dinner tonight." My mom said as she turned to look at me.

"Why? Are we going to have a fancy dinner tonight?"

"We're having guests over, so yes." She said.

"Oh okay."

I walked to my room and feel on my bed. I yawned and wanted to take a nap. But before I could I got a message from giant tree man. He was asking me if I got home. I texted him back saying, yes. I set a timer for five and turned off my phone going to sleep.

My alarm went off and I turned it off. I yawned and went to the kitchen. I washed my hands in the sink and started making some dough. My mom walked in and looked at me confused holding a box.

"I went to go check the mail with your dad today, and we saw this box for you. What is in it?" She asked handing me the box.

I washed my hands again and dried my hands. I grabbed the box and opened it, it was a tray with Halloween skulls. Well it was more like a baking supply.

"Well I was kind of thinking of experimenting. Well I was kind of thinking of making something Halloween related tonight."

"Well I guess you can try whatever your making. But you'll still have to help me with the food we're making for the guests." She said.

I nodded my head and began to put the dough just around the skull then I put some cheese, and pepperoni on the inside before covering it. I did this until I didn't have anymore dough left. I helped my mom with the food and she surprisingly let me listen to the music I wanted to. I was dancing, and singing while cooking. I stopped the music when I saw her leave the kitchen and I plugged in my earphones.

I continued to jam out to my music as I made sure the food was just right. I cleaned the table and started sweeping. Once I was done sweeping I started to mop. I went to check on the food and everything was turning out just fine. I started setting up the table while dancing, I put a couple more chairs and hummed a bit. I turned off the stove, the stove because the food was ready. I opened the oven and saw that they needed a couple more minutes.

"Sweetie, the..." I couldn't hear the rest through my music.

I grabbed a tray of food and walked over dancing. I tried dancing with my eyes closed walking backwards since I knew the house like the back of my hand. I went into the dinning room and saw that everyone was at the table watching me dance. I looked around and saw my dads bosses. I gulped and quickly served them so I can bring the rest. I embarrass myself way to much. I didn't bother looking at anybody and quickly went back to the kitchen.

I put the tray down and took the rest. I put the food down on the middle of the table so everyone can grab however much they wanted. I went to the kitchen and checked the oven. I smiled when I saw that they were all done. I took them out a tray at a time, and tried letting them cool down before I put them on a plate.

"Sweetie, hurry up and come eat!" My mom shouted from the dinning room.

I panicked and grabbed the nearest plate next to me. I quickly grabbed the tray of dough skull heads and flipped it on the plate. They came out very nice and I continued the same process with the other three trays. I put them nicely on the plate and took it to the dinning room. I placed it on the table and sat down next to the twins.

"My, my, what are these? Someone is the Halloween spirit aren't they?"

My heart dropped as I recognized the familiar voice. I looked around the table and saw the two guys that are always in the fields. I couldn't believe they were here. How did they get here? Oh no, don't tell me they're related to my dads bosses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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