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A guy with dark brown messy hair with light brown tips grabbed the book and stood up. He was really tall so I quickly panicked and started walking away.

"I ain't dealing with no giant tree right now."

"Who you calling a giant tree?"

I stopped in my tracks with my heart pounding. Did I say that out loud? Gosh dang it brain, you ain't good at memorizing stuff. And the one job you have, to keep my thoughts, you fail. You failed me!


I turned around with my eyes closed and walked forward, so I can apologize to him. But when I did I bumped into something. I looked up and saw the giant tree man right in front of me. It felt as if his dark brown eyes were piercing through me, he was probably getting ready to fight me wasn't he?

"I-I'm sorry okay?"

"You didn't sound sincere, especially after hitting someone with a book and then trying to make fun of them?"

I sighed and looked him right in the eye.

"Listen man if you want me to get down on my knees and treat you like some sort of king, it ain't going to happen. It was an accident besides it ain't my fault that you were the one who freaked me out. Now if you can excuse me I need to get going."

As I going to walk around him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"You really has the guts to talk to me like that?"

'Holy moly what have I done? Dang I knew I had a sarcastic and sass problem. What have they gotten me into?' I thought to myself trying to figure out a plan.

I heard the sound of high heels coming this way and he let my wrist go. I quickly went to the other side of the table stacked with books. I should be safe here right? I'll use the books as wrapping I have to. The sound of high heels stopped, I looked to see the librarian. She looked at the giant tree man and had a genuine smile on her face. She looked at me and that smile faded.

"You still haven't left yet?"

I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to dig my grave with two people just yet. I looked down at the ground. I continued to feel her stare, her judgement.

"I kept her. She wanted to take all these books herself but I was going to make check with you first. And that's why she's still here." The giant tree man said.

"Oh you are such a gentleman. Look at you helping a poor fragile girl. You girl don't be so stubborn and let him help you. That way you can leave everyone else alone. You really are bothering people on the only break they have through the entire day." She looked at him one more time with a smile and left.

I'm bothering others huh? I always knew I bothered others, well at least she actually said it to my face. Should I really care though?

"Hey Shorty, lets go."

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw the giant tree man on the other side of the table. I didn't care at this point. I just grabbed some books and he grabbed the rest. We walked out of the library in complete silence.

"So, Shorty, not that confident when others are around?"

I didn't bother looking at him.

"Stop calling me shorty. I'm average height, your just tall."

I heard him chuckle a bit as I walked a bit faster ahead to get away from him. I got to the stairs and carefully walked up with the books.

"Aren't you being a bit to cautious there Shorty?"

"Shut up, I told you stop calling me that. Besides I have a name."

"Oh? And what is it?"

"You don't deserve to know."

I walked to my classroom and the door was opened. I let out a sigh of relief. I put them on a counter in the back, giant tree man did as well. I felt like someone was looking down at me. I looked up to see him starring at me. I walked to my desk and ignored him until he left. I wanted this day to end already. But the good thing was that it was a minimum day.

I yawned in my third period class. My yawns weren't really loud. Charles playfully backhanded my face. I almost went back when he did.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't meant to actually hit you!"

We both looked at each other and laughed. As he laughed I hit him back. We both stopped laughing and sat in complete silence until we laughed again. Valerie looked at us confused from the corner of the room. But she ended up giggling a bit with us.

The teacher released us for an assignment, but me and Charles were constantly laughing. We said things at the same time, and fought with each other. But that's how our friendship works. We somehow are one of the first ones to get out work done.

As school continued to go by it was finally lunch time. I sat at our spot waiting for everyone with Jake. I normally don't go and wait in line this year. Although school food can be bad I have a privilege to take fries and get offered food. We mess around, laugh, talk about serious stuff only to make it into some sort of joke, and back to class again.

As school was out, I forgot about the incident that happened this morning. I got on the bus and it was actually empty. Sike! It was full as usual. I didn't like anybody on that bus. The only people I liked were Ana, Jake, Ana's siblings, and my brothers. Everyone else wasn't suppose to be on their.

As the bus dropped my brothers and I off. We walked home and as soon as I did I went to room and took a nap. The day was finally done.

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