Third Person

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"Okay Len. Truth or dare?" Len rolled his eyes. He HATED this game. Rin dragged him from his room and dragged him down the stairs to do this at HER sleepover. They always torchered him. "Truth I guess." Miku smiled a very devious smile. "Are you gay?" Len turned as white as a ghost and looked at the ground. Rin knowing what was wrong walked over to Len and hugged him. He had come out to his family a few weeks ago and his father didn't approve but his mom did. It ended causing a huge fight and now their getting a divorce. "Len?" Luka was worried its not like Len to be sad. Len pulled away from Rin and smiled. "Yes I am." All the girls awed as to the fact that he just looked kawaii. "Okay Gumi truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to... Eat nothing but bananas tomorrow." "Okay I can do that." "Len truth or dare?" "What me again?" "Yes." "Fine dare." "I dare you to ask the person you like out tomorrow." "Fine but I'm done playing." Len got up and went to his room.

The next morning:

Len woke up nervous as ever. Len made sure he was wearing nicer clothes than usual. He put on a plain white T-shirt and since it was a nice day he decided he would wear his black shorts. He also put on a yellow tie.

On the way to school:

"I should never have a sleepover on a school night ever again." Rin and her group of friends were chatting about how they never want to do that on a school night again. The group finally got to school and went through their day while Len dreded for school to end.

After school:

Len walked up behind Mikuo and gently tugged on his shirt. Mikuo turned around closing his locker as he did so. "Oh hey Len." Mikuo smiled warmly at Len and Len blushed. "C...could I talk to you f... For a sec.?" "Yeah." The two started to walk but it was silent accept for the other students talking. "So what did you want to talk about?" "Oh... Well I" Mikuo smiled at Len. "I like you too." "No I mean... More than a friend." Mikuo stopped and looked at Len. "I...I'm sorry Len but... I don't feel that way..." "Th... That's okay... I figured you wouldn't I just wanted you to know." Len's eyes filled with tears and he ran off. Len ran to the closest boys bathroom locked himself into a stall and slid down against the wall bringing his knees into his chest and sobbed. He knew Mikuo would reject him he even tried to prepare himself for it but it still hurt. "I think he went in here!" Len stopped crying and held his breath. "Come out Len. I always knew you were a faggot!" 'How did they know? Did they hear me confess? Maybe Mikuo told them? No Mikuo wouldn't do that.' Len heard the bathroom stall open and looked up to see who the bullies were. He seen Gakupo and Kaito. Gakupo cracked his knuckles and picked Len up by the shirt. The two then started to beat Len up.

A little while later:

Gakupo and Kaito left and Len later curled into a ball in his blood crying. Society didn't accept him, Mikuo didn't accept, his own father didn't accept him. No one wanted Len. Len then got up and went into a teachers class room. Len looked around and didn't see anyone. He also saw a pair of scissors on the teachers desk. Len walked up to the scissors smiled a sad smiled and stabbed himself in the gut. Len spit up blood took both of his hands and grabbed the scissors. He then opened the scissors while they were in his body. Len then fell backwards and the last thing he seen before everything went black was Mikuos teary eyed face.

Authors Note:

Sooo I had a dream of this exact thing with these exact people so I was like imma write that. So here it is. Also I am just in a major mood to write. So I wrote this one-shot to full fill my want to write XD any who hope he enjoyed!

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