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lena 💞he still hasn't responded?

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lena 💞
he still hasn't responded?

rory 🌹
I knew he wouldn't, I just
wish he did

lena 💞
he just needs space, rora
I'm sure he'll reach out soon!

rory 🌹
or he won't.

lena 💞
don't do that to yourself

rory 🌹
can't help it.
I hurt him again.
again, lena

lena 💞
and you apologized!
it's up to him now as to whether
he will accept it or not
just give him time.

rory 🌹
I will

lena 💞
good ❤
did you enjoy our brunch date?

rory 🌹
of course I did!
I always like hanging out with you guys 😊

lena 💞
awe! I'm so glad you did❤️
couldn't help but notice that
you and will are starting to get close

rory 🌹
not in the way you think, Elena.
aurora rose

lena 💞

rory 🌹
he acted a little weird when he dropped me off
like he went to say something
but stopped and just left

lena 💞
without saying bye?

rory 🌹
no no
he kissed me on the cheek and said it was silly
and that he'd be "seeing me"

lena 💞
he was totally going to ask you out!!

rory 🌹
Lena, no.

lena 💞
he likes you, Rory!!

rory 🌹
he does not 🙄
it's too early to tell anyway

lena 💞
it's never too early!
do you like him tho? 👀

rory 🌹
rory 🌹
kind of
rory 🌹
I don't know.

lena 💞
I knew it!!

rory 🌹
leave me alone
he's cute okay 🥺

lena 💞
you're so adorable!
I knew you had a crush on him!
you're just always so good at hiding your feelings. it's scary.

rory 🌹
you know I'm not looking for a relationship right now, lena.
but these butterflies I get whenever he does his stupid, cheeky grin
are saying otherwise
I'm scared.

lena 💞
don't be scared, babes
get to know him more
and most importantly, be yourself!
you slowly need to learn how to let him in
even just as friends
not everyone in your life is going to hurt you, rory.
you deserve to be happy too.

rory 🌹
I hate you when you're right.

lena 💞
no you don't 😇

rory 🌹
ugh. anyways!
will & I are hanging out tomorrow at my apartment
wanna join us?

lena 💞
can't, mamas
got a photo shoot tomorrow 😭

rory 🌹
it's fine
we'll miss you tho 🥺

lena 💞
I'll miss you guys too!
it's been really fun hanging out lately
maybe Matty and I could swing by after my shoot?

rory 🌹
sounds good!
see you then, love
good luck on your shoot tomorrow 💙

lena 💞
thank you baby
see you then 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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