So, the omega nodded and placed a sweet kiss on Louis' lip. ''Love you, Lou.''

''I love you more, angel.'' Louis breathed out, smiling at Harry before hopping out of the car.

Harry undid his seatbelt and got out as well, swallowing thickly when he met Don's stern gaze.

For a moment, Harry was scared that Don would attack them but when a smile formed on the tall man's face, he knew that no harm would come to them.

A blonde girl, who Harry instantly recognised as his sister, threw herself at him. Gemma wrapped her slender arms around his neck and carefully pulled her younger brother into a tight hug.

''Oh, would you look at you!'' She chirped, cupping his face. ''Mum would've been so flabbergasted!''

Harry felt his throat close up when Gemma mentioned their mother. He decided not to give it a second thought, though. He simply smiled at her and pulled her into a second hug.

Next up was his father. The man smiled at Harry before patting his back. Harry furrowed his eyebrows a bit, not really knowing how to react to it.

But then Des' eyes filled with tears. ''Who am I kidding. Come here, kid!''

Harry's father embraced his son as well, kissing the side of Harry's head.

Harry sighed in relief, curling into his father's chest to inhale his familiar scent. He mumbled out a quiet hello before he pulled back.

And last, but not least, Robin gave him a hug too. Harry used to be just as close to Robin as he was to his father. There was never any hate between Des and Robin. No matter what the relationship between them was.

Finally, Harry looked back at Don, who was still smiling.

''Welcome home, Harry.'' Don said, making Louis flinch next to Harry.

The omega noticed and wrapped an arm around Louis' waist, snuggling up against him to bring both Louis and himself comfort.

''Thank you, Don.'' He whispered, refusing to call Don alpha.

He had one alpha and one alpha only.

And that was Louis.

Don seemed to notice, but he didn't comment on it. He simply beckoned the two strangers to come into the packhouse.

Louis and Harry looked at each other, nodding before following the pack leader towards a huge living room.

''Everything here is next level.'' Louis whispered, making Harry giggle.

''I like your medieval way of working better, Lou.'' Harry teased, pinching Louis' side.

Louis smirked and kissed Harry's forehead, keeping an arm around his luna even when they sat down.

''So! You're pregnant! Who's the father.'' Don said.

Harry blushed a little before straightening his posture. ''Louis is.''

Don's eyes widened. ''The alpha is... It's not Owen?''

''I killed Owen.'' Harry said, realising that postponing his confession would only make things harder.

''You killed him? But you ran away with him. We thought you loved him.'' Gemma whispered.

Harry looked at his lap. ''I thought so too. That was until he abused me, chased me, stalked me, killed my mother and nearly killed me and my friends.''

Louis squeezed Harry's hand, letting him know that he was right next to him.

''He killed your mother?'' Des said quietly.

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