A Night Of Fun

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'She walked back over to the counter and started pouring our drinks.'

'She didn't pour us a shot but a whole cup of tequila! She was sitting there drinking it like it was water. I wanted to impress her so I took a big gulp of it, that was a mistake. It burned like fire all the way down and once it hit my stomach it was like a volcanic eruption. I squint my eyes together, a small tear escaped and slowly made its way down my face. Paulson noticed and she started laughing at me.'

"You alright dear?"

Yeah.. that just burned a lot.

"I'm kinda surprised."


"Well when I busted you at the party that night you were plastered and reeked of alcohol."

I was drinking vodka that night. Tequila on the other hand is a whole drink of its own.

'We shared a laugh.'

"It's my favorite. Don't worry once you get through this cup you will down the others with no problem."

'Paulson was right.'

'We was sitting there drinking, laughing, smoking cigarettes and talking. She would occasionally lean on me for a few moments.'

"Welllll I'm gonnna change into sss-something a little more comfortable."

'She said.. slurring her words.'

'She almost fell when she started walking.'

'I laughed.'

Are you okay?

"I gottttt ittttttt."

'She said in a sing-song voice. I couldn't help but to laugh at her.'

'Mintues later she came back in nothing but a light blue spaghetti strap tank top and light blue lacy underwear. My heart felt like it stopped and I felt my face start to burn.'

"That's much better."

'She said as she sat back down beside of me except this time she was sitting so close that our arms and legs were touching. Her skin was so soft and she smelt so good. Lusty thoughts started to intrude my mind, I tried my best to shake it off; but it didn't work.'

'I crossed my legs hoping the aching would go away and I tried my best not to look at her; but it was very hard.'

'Paulson noticed that I was acting different.'

"You okay?"

'She asked as she gently placed a hand on my arm.'

'Just that one touch sent a jolt of electricity through my body.'

Ye-yeah I'm fine.

'I was stammering, stuttering and tripping over my own words. I mentally scolded myself for it.'

'Paulson smirked and cocked an eyebrow at me.'

"Are you sure because you seem nervous?"

'She asked as she slowly trailed her fingertips up and down my arm, causing goosebumps and my heart rate to pick up.'

Umm- I don't think I understand what's going on here.. uh-uh either that or I'm overthinking the situation.

'I looked up in her dilated eyes and understood exactly what was going on. I saw the hunger, the lust, the fire.. all dancing around in her eyes. Her look was so intense it was enough to send chills down my back and make me shutter.'

'She put one hand on the side of my face and slowly started to lean in. Everything else faded out, it was just me and her. I felt my eyes flutter shut and a few moments later I felt a pair of warm soft lips on mine.'

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