'I flinched. Shit I've been spotted.'

'I turned around to see one of my old friends from college. We use to hang out all the time; partying, 3 am McDonald trips you name it. All of that came to a stop when I got anxiety and depression. Now? Now I just stay at home with my pets. I never leave my house unless it's absolutely necessary.'

'I managed to muster up a fake smile as she approached me.'

'We hugged and had small talk. Big mistake because that's when I got dragged into a social situation.'

"Soooo Erin is throwing a party tonight. Are you coming?"

'She asked. Hope and eagerness was dancing around in her ocean blue eyes.'

'Erin was a mutual friend of ours who throws huge banging parties.'

'I don't usually party but when I do I always rip it.'

"Come on Chloe! Please you never come out with us anymore."

Okay. Sure..

'She smiled and threw her arms around me.'

"Okay great see you tonight!"

'We said our goodbyes and I drove on home.'

'When I got home I put up the stuff I bought and went to my room. I didn't bother to change clothes since I was going out later anyways.'

'The thought of going to a huge party tonight made my anxiety shoot through the roof so I rolled a fat blunt.'

'I lit it.. the first few hits had me coughing my lungs up. I decided to turn on some music. I looked up to my computer screen with watery eyes and scrolled through YouTube until I found a song that I liked. I clicked on a song, turning the volume all the way. As I smoked the rest of the blunt I closed my eyes getting lost in the moment, letting the music and the weed take over.'

'Before I knew it.. it was time for the party. I got up and threw a black hoodie over my white t-shirt. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes and walked out of the door.'

'I decided to walk to the party since it was only a couple of blocks away.'

'As I was walking I lit up a cigarette, enjoying the peaceful night. The stars shining brightly against the dark sky, the wind was a little chilly. As I got closer to Erin's house I could hear the music booming. I could already tell this party was going to be packed. I seen people inside and outside. I threw the butt of my cigarette out into the road.'

Here goes nothing.

'I thought.'

'I took a few deep breaths and rang the doorbell. A few minutes later Erin opened the door. I felt my breath get caught in my throat. It's been so long since I seen her I forgotten how beautiful she was.'

'She had bright blue hair that came down to her shoulders, her bangs where razored .. the the left side slightly longer than the right. She had a sharp jawline. Beautiful light pink plum lips. Defined eyebrows. Dark brown eyes almost black looking. Her eyeliner was perfectly winged. She was wearing a one shouldered black Bob Marley shirt that said "one love" on it, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of chucks.'

'The hugest grin started to form on her face when she opened the door to find me standing there.'


'She said as she fell into me wrapping her arms of me. I could tell she was lit not only for the fact she smelt like pot and alcohol; but for the fact that she fell onto me the way she did.'

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