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Winter arrived; Peaceville got plenty of snow. Carrie and her family left to go visit her father. Kim's sister was in town. I was alone. Most of my break was spent avoiding Grojmen. Then my mother got sick

No matter how many times I tried, the cars we owned would not start. That would mean that I would have to walk all the way to town. I looked at my watch to guess how long it would take and then started the long walk to town. Half way there, maybe even less, I heard the sound of a motorcycle.

"Hey there," I ignored his voice, "Need a ride Lanes?" Corey slowly followed me on his motorcycle, "Hello?" Before I knew it, Corey was off his cycle and was making me turn to face him, "Wake up Lanes!"

"Stop calling me that!" He frowned at my outburst.

"Why should I?" He asked, "You don't like it?"

"We're not on nickname terms," I responded. I didn't want to deal with a guy like Corey Riffin. That's why I had been excited about winter break. Now my well thought out plans were ruined.

"We could be Lanes," He answered right before I responded with a glare.

"I don't want to be friends with you," He sighed.

"Well at least let me help," I sighed.

"Fine. Just this once,"

Motorcycles made me nervous. The bike sparked to life as he held his hand out.

"Let's go Penn," With a nervous eye roll I allowed him to help me onto the motorcycle, "Just wrap your arms around my waist," I frowned as he laughed, "If you want to fall, then keep being stubborn," I wrapped my arms around his waist as he took off the break, "Hang on tight, Lanes,"

Before I knew it he was taking me home. I had seen a different side of Corey Riffin.

KIm waited for Kon. Today was the day Konnie was suppose to catch up with him. She was getting impatient; Kim was feeling a different feeling.

"Angie then got Maybelle expelled," Konnine told her sister. Kim wasn't paying her any attention. She was distracted by her memories; last time Konnie was in town they had gone out with both Kujira twins. Then once Konnie left again, everything had gone downhill.

"Sorry I'm late!" Konnie's expression changed from a smile to a smile filled with joy. Kon sat down with his meal, "How have you been?

"Pretty great," Konnie responded, her mouth full of fries, "Man I missed Blechies," On winter days, especially winter break, there were less people in the restaurant. There were a couple others in tables around the restaurant. Konnie and Kon continued to speak as Kim fell deeper into her memories. What snapped her back to earth was when she noticed that the other two had stopped eating.

"What's wrong?" Kim questioned. That when she figured it out. Kin was walking toward them, wearing an outfit similar to what he use to wear.

"May I join you guys?"

Winter break was almost over. I had gotten my car to work again[with Corey's help] and mom was getting better. Tonight I couldn't sleep. Corey invaded my mind. Since the first time Corey had drove me home, he had destroyed my world. I had spend the month before ignoring Corey Rififin. Now I couldn't get enough of him; my attraction toward the blue haired punk was uncanny. A rock thrown at my window jolted me out of my thought. I got up and looked out of the window to see Corey smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him and snuck down the stairs to see why he was here this late at night.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, "It's almost midnight!"

"I wanted to see you," He told me. I crossed my arms.

"You couldn't have waited?" I demanded.

"I could have," He admitted, "But I couldn't stop thinking about you," I rolled my eyes.

"So seeing me would help?" I questioned. He smirked.

"Of course," By this time he had moved to where he was basically right in front of me. My heart was racing. Corey smirked at me, then moved away, "Well see you later Lanes," I frowned as he started to walk away.

"That's it?" He nodded.

"Did you expect more?" I truthfully did expect something else from the strange gang member.

"Yeah slightly," Corey smirked again.

"I've got to keep you on your toes," Before I knew it, Corey Riffin was gone. I shivered from the cold before heading back to my room to get a few more hours of sleep.

I parked my truck in it's normal spot and watched the other unique students walk up the steps into the school. Soon I would have to get out and head in myself and face the friends that I might have betrayed. I frowned at the dark gray sky. Today was going to be a horrible day. Like normal, Grojmen were hanging out in the front of the school. Kin excused his self and I almost ran straight into him. He apologized and I watched him walk down the hallway, confusion in my veins. Corey smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Laney!" Kim smiled as Carrie popped her gum. Seeing my two best friends after winter break made me nervous. I wasn't sure what they would think when I tell them that I hung out with Corey. I nervously smiled at them.

"How was your break?" Kim's facial expression made it seem like something had happened during her break and she didn't want to talk about it.

"Annoying," Carrie responded. The three of us stood there before Kim nervously excused herself. Carrie and I shared glances.

Kim took a deep breath before walking away from her two friends. She hated keeping the events from her break from her two best friends and she needed to talk to someone about them, someone who wasn't there that day. She didn't know who to go to; Carrie would feel betrayed and Laney would feel similar feelings. Kim didn't have any other friends cause most people avoided those who were caught up in Larry's nonsense. They were smart enough not to get involved.

"Whatcha doing Kimmy?" She froze when she heard a familiar voice. Only one person called her that.

"Leave me be, Corey," He smirked at her.

"I need to talk to you about Lanes," She frowned.

"Why do you want to speak about Laney?" Kim could tell he was hiding his nervousness.

"Has she talked about me?" She let the words process and laughed.

"Why would she be talking about you? You don't even-" Her eyes widened, "No way! You like Laney?" He tried to calm her down, "When have you even talked to her?"

"We hung out a lot during break," He admitted, "When I wasn't under Larry's watch," Kim smiled.

"Do you actually like her or is Laney going to be one of those girls you just throw away?" He frowned.

"I will never do that to Lanes,"

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