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He couldn't remember the last time he hadn't thought of the beautiful Kimberly Kagami. Kin Kujira had been in love with her since fourth grade.

Gods of Rocklympus. She deserved someone so much better than him.

He woke up early from his dreams. Kin sighed as he wished he could live in those dreams.
"Come on Kujira! Rise and shine!" With a groan of disappointment, Kin pulled his self out of bed and got ready to face the day. The current time was two hours hours before they normally woke up. Today Larry had a meeting with a larger gang that had tried to pick fights with them for months now.

Gosh. He could see Kim's reaction to a black eye. He didn't want to worry her.

Larry locked up. They would come back for their bags. He had also called Corey to wake him up. Kin waited by his motorbike, thinking about how stupid he had been.

Flirting with the cashier? When Kim had been there. He was a joke.

Kon had been there as well. He was the best brother a boy could ask for. Kin mentally beat his self up. He was such a jerk to his twin.

"Riffin will meet us there," Larry saved Kin from thinking about his choices.
"Okay," Kin climbed onto the bike and followed his leader to what could be the worst morning of his life.

Kin had tried to beg Larry to give him the house keys.

Kin cursed Larry in his head. His eyes landed on Kim who was watching him. The boy held back a blush as he watched her reaction to his black eye.

Worry. She was worried.

Kin looked away as he continued to walk down the hall. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't want to face the other Grojmen. The library wasn't open either. He eventually got tired of walking and found a place to be alone. He closed his eyes and rested his head on the brick wall.

"May I?" His heart raced as he opened his eyes to see Kimberly with her backpack.

"Yeah," She placed her bag on the floor. Kin glanced around and let out a breath he had been holding. He could be his self again.

"I was wondering," She started, "Are you okay?" His heart started to race faster. Shocked that she had came to ask, he turned to face her. Her beautiful eyes were on him. He could see a challenge in her eyes.

"I deserved it," He responded, "Karma," She looked confused.

"Why?" She questioned. Kin ran his hand through his black hair.

"I'm a horrible person," He responded, "I hate myself," Kim had caught Kin with his guard down.

"You're a great person who went down the wrong path," Kin looked down, "You are amazing," He smiled at her, not bothering to hide the blush she had brought on. He placed his hand on hers.

"Oh really," He teased, "Have you looked in a mirror today?" Kim looked away. He frowned as he watched her. Before he could see what was wrong, the bell rang signaling that the new Kin had to come back, "I'll see you later," He said to her as he got up. He didn't bother to wait for her response.

Kim's words haunted Kin. He couldn't figure out why a girl that fantastic still dealt with him. Sometimes he thought about confessing to her. Then he remembered that he was a huge jerk.

"Kin Kujira!" He sighed before sitting up and glaring at his teacher. Mr. Eddy was the only teacher not terrified of gangs. He was a tough guy and he use to scare Kin. Not anymore though. Times had changed.

"There's a long division problem on the board. Go solve it," Kin sighed as he got out of his seat. He hated math, even something as easy as long division. Mr. Eddy still didn't realize that Kin was the smartest person in this class right next to Carrie Beff. He glanced at her before turning toward the board. Kin started the problem. His work was perfect, but his mind was on other things, "You may be seated, Mr. Kujira," Kin's mind raced as he sat down. He lied his head back on his desk as his teacher started to explain the problem.

"Mom misses you," Kin didn't want to deal with this, "I miss you,"

"Leave me be Kon," Kin growled at his brother. The older twin had shown up behind Kin in the lunch line. This was why Kin never ate, "Mom's worried about you. Why can't you-"

"Shut up!" He yelled at him. Their peers stopped talking and watched then. Kin glared at them. Then he paid the lady and stomped into the lunch room to eat alone. He didn't want to face the other two.

He had regrets.

She wasn't there today. Kin had to admit he was disappointed. Seeing Kim would have made him feel better. He didn't go back to class. There was no point. He knew the history of Peaceville like he knew the back of his hand. He lie his head on the table and dreamt of Kim until the bell rang.

He still didn't want to face Larry. He wasn't sure that he keep his thoughts to his self. How were you suppose to tell Larry Nepp that you didn't want to be apart of this anymore?

"Took you long enough," Kin ignored Larry as he sat down on the couch, "Missed you at lunch," It was hard to find something to say to his friend. If Kin said something, he could accidentally speak his mind; if he didn't Larry would wonder what was wrong.

"I'm going on a walk," He announced. Larry frowned.

"You just sat down," Kin didn't speak as he left the house.

"You're a horrible person!" He held the phone away from his ears.

"Hear me out!" Kin had called Kim's sister[they use to be friends] on his phone. Konnie hadn't been happy to hear that Kin had changed so much since her last visit, "Joining was a peer pressure thing!" He defended, "I didn't expect things to get this bad!" Konnie laughed on the other end.

"Really Kujira?" She asked, "Peer pressure? I thought you were better than that," He sighed. He had been, but seeing Larry upset had pushed Kin over the line.

"I can't just quit," He sighed, "You know what'll happen," Konnie didn't say anything for a couple minutes. Kin thought she had hung up.

"Kim wouldn't want you to get hurt," She listed, "She would miss the old Kin," Konnie was silent for a minute, "Actually she does miss the old Kin,"

He then decided that any form of miss was his least favorite word.

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