A New Beginning

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Thank you for reading the last, and if you didn't, well welcome to the story! Please enjoy the first chapter before reading this one.

As for the rest of you, thank you.


Splinter looked over the four of his turtles with pride, though he masked it well.

"Donatello, widen your stance. You must have a wider stance to have a firmer foundation or could be easily overbalanced in battle."

Perhaps he should have reworded that, or kept his explantation shorter, because he could see that Raphael had spotted the opportunity to get back at his clumsy younger sibling for spilling milk on him this morning.

Raphael scooted closer to Donatello, and swept his leg under his brothers to knock Don over.

Donatello let out a sharp cry, mostly because of insulted feeling, but perhaps there was a touch of soreness.

"Like that! Ha!" Raphael crowed triumphantly.

Splinter smacked his tail down, making a whipping sound against the carpet floor, and two small heads immediately turned to face him.

"Raphael. We do not knock our brothers down. You will apologize to him." He said in a stern tone. There was clearly no room for arguing,so Raphael decided to make room.

"No! I was just showing Donnie how bad his stance was!" He defended. "Leo shows us stuff all the time!"

The young turtle folded his arm and pouted, as his brother silently got to his feet. It seemed the prospect of an apology would stem Donatello's tears. If Raphael would only give one.

"Raphael. We are not discussing what Leo has done in the past, but what you are doing now." He explained calmly. "You know why we do not shove and push. And you will apologize."

"Yeah! And I don't shove people Raph!" Leonardo interjected. "And your form Isn't much better!"

Splinter sighed inwardly. *here we go*

Raphael's anger kindled. "Teachers pet!"

"Hot head!" Leonardo snapped back.

"Nerd!" Michaelangelo suddenly added with a shout to Don, joining into the squabble.

Splinter had heard enough. With narrowed eyes he slapped his tail once more against the floor. The crack echoed and shut the turtles up at once.

"Silence. I want you to apologise to each other. Michaelangelo, to Donatello, Raphael to both Leonardo and Donatello for your words, and actions."

When it seemed like Raphael was about to explode about Leonardos due apology, and Leonardo was about to gloat, he added.

"..and Leonardo, you will also apologize to Raph."

Leo spun around to look at splinter with wide shocked eyes. "What!? Why?" Leonardo spluttered, confused as to how he was in trouble. As splinter looked down at Leo's face, he could see Ralph smirking out of the corner of his eyes.

Splinter rubbed the bridge of his nose. He would need a cup of tea after all this.

*Please let them not turn out like me and my brother*

"Because, you also were unkind. It is not your place to point out the mistakes of others, but to encourage, and to help."

Leonardo regarded his words, with intelligence that always seemed to deep for a six year old. So he turned to face Raphael and bowed his head.

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