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The Beginning

"One more time, Liana."

Large green people in white medical clothing rush around, preparing the second bed. One of which already occupies a small baby boy coddled securely in warm blankets. His small cries mix with the mothers pained ones.

With combined efforts of the mother and team of doctors, a new set of cries, this time a baby girls, fills the simmering room. The baby is gently cleaned off and wrapped up just like her brother before she's handed over to the fathers waiting arms. A doctor having just passed the boy to the tired mother.

Everyone watches in silence as the two new parents gaze down at both of their new children. For Kymari, having twins is exceedingly rare, and even then it's not guaranteed that both make it. Yet this small family seems to have defied all the odds stacked against them and birthed two healthy children.

I look up at the large green man holding me. I'm so confused, I'm scared, everything around me is so bright and blurry, all I feel I can do is blurt out strange sounds close to that of a babys. My tongue flopping around uselessly in the process. Am I a baby? That would explain the size of the green man, but not the fact that his skin is green. Not to mention his hair is really thick and black as night. So, all I do is look up into his (I think) dark brown, nearly black eyes that stare back into mine. If I look hard and focus enough, I can almost see my reflection in them.

I squeak when I'm lifted up closer to his face and freeze wide eyed in shock when he gently touch's his large forehead to my smaller one. My body has to be nearly the same size as his head alone.

He pulls away and says something in whatever language he speaks. Seconds later, I feel myself being lowered back down. A new set of large hands cup my legs and bottom still wrapped in the thick blanket and a new face is presented before me.
This one has a slightly darker shade of green skin tone with more angular features. Her eyes however, are lighter than the mans. I decide that she's a female.

A realization comes to me. If I indeed am somehow a baby, she must be my mother, while the other is my new father. That realization hits me like a ton of bricks and tears come to my eyes.

My mom and dads worried face with her blond hair and blue eyes and his brown hair and hazel eyes flashes through my head and I can't help but recall the alien spaceships lining the slightly clouded sky. The beam that somehow brought us here. I didn't get to say goodbye to them.

Wait! Where's James!?

A pathetic cry leaves my lips as I look around for any sign of.. anything leading to James really. I need to know he's alright! I won't be able to live with myself if I was the only one to have somehow come back from the dead.

My new mom; mother I'll call her, because mom is already reserved no matter what happened to her; coos and tries to shush my wails, delicately wiping my tears away. She says something in a whispered, yet strained tone and looks to the side. When she turns me slightly to look at what she's looking at, my cries stop and my eyes snap to look at the other baby.

It's obvious he's a boy. I don't know how I know, just the design and structure of his face gives it away. He has deep brown eyes, with small green flecks shining in them. His smooth skin is the same dark tone as mothers, with the only other resemblance being the shape of his nose. His eyes examine me before falling on my own. I'm not sure what to do to clarify if he's James or not.

When I open my mouth I fumble to try and say James' name, but I'm having a hard time controlling the movement of my lips and tongue.

Deciding on giving up for now, I resume staring at the boys unrelenting gaze.

"It has to be James."

The boys eyes suddenly widen into saucers and his mouth falls open a little.


I let out a squeak of surprise and look back to the boy, a shocked expression no doubtably on my face. Whatever I just did was similar to thinking, but different in a way I can't explain. Focusing, I attempt to do it again.

"James! Is that you?!"

"Yeah." The green baby boy offers a small toothless smile and I giggle in happiness. At least I still have my brother with me.

After our short reunion, two green people dressed like doctors take both James and I away from our new mother and father -it's still strange to think about them that way- and use some hand held scanner thing. The blue light reminds me of the faint yellow light that had caused that burning pain for the fraction of a second before I died and I start to cry. No matter how hard the two doctors try to soothe me, I still cry until they put the blue light away. Once that dilemma ended, I am put into what I'm guessing is equivalent to their version of cute baby pyjamas.

As I'm being carried back to the room my mother and father are in, I catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye another doctor carrying who I hope is James. He sniffles every few seconds or so, leading me to believe that the blue light effected him as well. Just thinking about it makes me want to reach out and hug him, because he went through it too. However, that is impossible right now seeing as both the blanket and the doctors arms wrapped around me restrains my limbs. Even a few seconds of trying to squirm tires my new muscles.

When the doctor feels my squirms, he gently loosens the blanket a little, allowing air in to cool my warm body down. I squeak in surprise of the cool temperature, only to hear him coo at my surprised expression.

Why am I squeaking so much? Are these aliens descended from mice?

A deep voice speaks up from my side and suddenly, I'm passed over into someone else's large arms. They feel more comforting than the doctors arms did, and when I look up I find out why. The familiar face of my father stares down at me, this time the smile spreading into a full blown grin, showing off his neat and pristinely white teeth. His deep voice vibrates against my small body cradled to his chest. The ticklish sensation causes a small giggle escape me, somehow brightening my fathers face more.

I'm shifted to one arm right as I see a bundle of blanket being passed over into fathers other arm.

It must be James.

James whimpers and I can feel him twist around in his restricted blanket, but father just places his forehead against his, somewhat calming the boy down. Before, mom and dad tried many times to calm the energetic and emotional James down without much success, yet our new alien father manages to crush all of their attempts with a simple forehead touch.

I push the memory of them away to mourn over later, who knows, maybe what happened to us happened to them and they aren't.. gone. Yeah, gone, right. Who am I fooling? Hopefully myself. It'll make dealing with my emotions and this new situation of being a green baby with my twin brother easier.

"How are you dealing with this blanket? I may as well be suffocating!" James' annoyed voice grumbles in my head. It sounds like I'm thinking it, but I can feel the message coming from him. It's hard to explain.

"One of the doctors loosened mine thinking I was too hot, I was trying to find you to to make sure you were okay."

He doesn't answer me as I feel him wriggling and trying to get the blanket around him to loosen. Father says something in the now familiar deep voice.

I shrink away from the hand that suddenly comes into view. A couple seconds pass and the owner of the hand exchanges a short conversation with father in their language before leaving.

"What did they just do?"

"Adjusted my mummifying blanket."

I keep from rolling my eyes at my brothers antics. It seems nothing had the capability to take away his sarcastic tendencies.

I turn my attention to my new father, to see how he keeps glancing down at both of us every few seconds. The protective sheen hidden in his facial expression makes me spare a second glance. Yep, still there. Our eyes meet for a second before his deep brown ones go to look at my brother, then back up to see where he's walking.

I can already tell this is going to take lots of getting used too.

Rebirth *On Hold*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz