Rant 5: the problem pyramid.

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By now you all must be thinking I'm a very grumpy person, writing all these rants. I'll tell you something: this is not even a snapshot of the things I can rant about. I get annoyed by a lot of things. A lot of things piss me off. I'm not quite sure whether rants is what you guys want to read, but writing rants is the thing keeping me from breaking a lot of stuff which would not be appreciated by my roommate. 

"So, Alex, you can quit whining now. What the fuck is the problem pyramid you confusing fuck?"

That's a good question, I'm surprised (joke, you're all probably smarter than me). The problem pyramid is what happens when people have a problem and somebody else comes around with a problem that's worse. And another person comes around with a problem even worse than that. And so on and so on. That's how the problem pyramid happens.

"K, Alex. So why would you need to write a rant about that shit?"

Because I have experienced some shit. I've been through some shit and so are a lot of people I know. When you meet someone and you get a little bit close to them and you tell them about, for example, one of your best friends who died a few years back, they shut up. They won't tell you about their problems because they think it's nothing in your eyes. Because you've been through so much worse.

Well, that's fucking bullshit and it pisses me off.

If we're friends, no matter how close we are, and you have a problem, you tell me. Whether it's the fact that your dog died, your dress doesn't match your shoes, your parents are shitholes, your favorite series just ended, your boyfriend dumped you or a relative died. No matter how fucking big or how fucking small, you tell me that shit. 

And I will try to help you out.

Yes, I seem angry a lot of the times and I look like I don't want you to talk to me, but I kind of care about your problems, man. I kind of care about you.

Kyran - who's my best friend, as all of you know by now - has been through shit far worse than me, but we've promised each other to never keep problems hidden because of the fact that the other has it worse. Because - again - that's motherfucking bullshit.

The problem pyramid is like the social pyramid. You know, that absolute shit thing you have in high school - and even after that - where the popular kids are unreachable at the top and you need to shut your mouth. 

Well, don't shut your fucking mouth. Talk. Whether it's about your problems or to popular kids (but that's a whole other rant). 

If someone is growing through shit and you know so and that's the reason you don't want to tell them about your problems, you're doing shit wrong. Because when they find out, they'll be hurt. They want to help you, you're their friend. They'll feel absolutely worthless because they couldn't be the friend they were supposed to be and that all because of you. 

Yes. You're selfish if you don't tell them about your problems. You need to give them the choice to help you or to tell you that it's too much for them at that point. 

You're fucking friends. Fucking talk to each other. Fucking help each other out. Almost all you've probably got is each other and that's really fucking important, so talk. Share. Fuck the problem pyramid. It's bullshit (I repeat myself a lot, I think you've noticed by now. Yeah.) 

Also, most of the times your friend will talk to you more easy if she/he knows that you're facing similar problems or problems in general. People with problems and struggles understand each other way easier than people without.

I hope that at least some of you have that light bulb moment right now. You should, cause all you are fucking smartypantses.

Stay different.

- Alex

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