Alex' personal advice.

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K, so every one's in a while I tend to get personal. I tend to open the fuck up and tell you people something about myself, including a little piece of shit advice.

So here we go.

Don't. Do. Motherfucking. Drugs.

If you're 13, you can now go. Because this is probably, really fucking hopefully not relevant to you.

Apparently people seem to be very surprised when I say this. Apparently people think I'm selling my toenails to pay for cocaine. 

Let me tell you that this is bullshit. First of all, nobody wants to buy my toenails. Second of all, drugs are fucking shit. 

There's nothing good about drugs. Sure, you get all high and start seeing unicorns everywhere, but eventually those unicorns will become your death. Those unicorns are going to ruin your motherfucking life. Yes, fucking unicorns.

A good friend has been struggling with a drug addiction for a very, very fucking long time. He used to be one of the coolest dudes I knew. We used to go skating together, eat veggie pizza, hate people. It was all cool.

Then he became friends with a couple of shitheads, who got him to do drugs. It didn't start out as much. Just at parties and shit, you know what I'm talking about.

I didn't think much of it and I was kinda okay was it. I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I don't have many friends, because I very much dislike most people. So these kind of guys are kind of an endangered specie. 

After a few months, it started to become clear that he had a problem. A real big fucking problem. He changed as a person. He never wanted to hang out anymore. He also was almost never sober anymore. He gave up skating. He gave up almost everything. He let his friends down, he abandoned his family and that all for some stupid, fucking unicorns.

If I'd say that I've neve done drugs, I'd be lying. My childhood was weird, I did stupid things at a stupid age and I regret most of it now. Including doing drugs.

First of all, I was way too young. Second of all, it's not worth it. The unicorns are not fucking worth it. You feel crap afterwards, it costs a shitload of money. Oh, and you're most likely to end up as a stripper so you can earn your money to buy more drugs. That's also kind of a negative thing.

I wish I could say my friend has recovered. But he hasn't. I can also no longer call him my friend. So that's all shit. 

Some of you have been wondering if there are actually things I care about. There are. I'll write some separate crap on that, so that you all understand I'm human. I'm a human okay. Even though my neighbours think I'm an alien come to earth to kill their cats (you will understand this if you've read the previous chapters). 

K, so what was I talking about again.






Don't do drugs, man. Don't try to fit in. Don't try to be cool. Just drink alcohol.

But not too much. Because then you get shit too.

Listen to music. That's the best solution. Listen to a shitload of music, drink coffee and hang with the right people. There are no "popular" people. There's no such thing as "popular" people. Just a couple of sheeps following each other, doing stupid shit and fucking up their lives.

And that all for friends on Facebook, followers on twitters and likes on your Instagram picture. 

Stay different.

- Alex

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