"Young man that is not how you treat your sister!" My mom whispered. Then a thought came to my head. How can I hear her? Mom's whispering, right?

"Mom! One, she looks creepy all of a sudden, and two, don't call me Jess!" My brother whispered back, but a lot quieter. Like he was mumbling. I heard him pretty clearly.

What is going on with me?

I shook my head a little and faced my dad who helped me up after a second.

"Are alright hun?" Dad smiled kindly at me as if nothing was ever different.

"Y-yeah. I guess..." I lied. I was confused, my leg hurt, I was scared. I didn't want to tell him that. "What time is it anyway?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Around 6. Jessie said you were laying here ever since you went to your room."

"But that was like 3 hours ago!"

"I know. That's what's so worrying."

I locked eyes with my dad, a little freaked out. I got up and started walking to my bathroom. The best I could. When I stepped inside, I felt the cold tile against my feet. It felt good after being knocked out for a few hours. I sighed and looked up at the mirror, gasping at what I saw.

One of my green eyes had turned pure white, my pupil, as well. It was like I had rolled my eye backward into my head, and it had gotten stuck.

I closed my one green eye, but nothing really changed. I could still see perfectly which was weird, but one of my eyes was white. Compared to that, my sight was nothing.

Then, I noticed something weird. I saw the silhouette of Jessie. I think. It was on the bathroom wall. I blinked a few times and it disappeared somehow.

"Lily hunny!" my mom called me from my bedroom. I walked out of the bathroom as I started messing with my hair, trying to make it go over my eye. I think I did an ok job.

I took a deep breath and stepped into my bedroom, hoping my mom would just forget about what happened. Wait, what did happen? I don't remember.

"Lily, hun..." my mom gave me a smile as she grabbed onto Jessie.

"Y-yes?" I asked, a little shaky.

"I think we're going to move later next week or so."

"Okay!" I grinned a little bit. I've been waiting for my mom to bring this topic up for a while. I've been wanting to move since we started school.

"I'm glad you're okay with it!" my mom breathed out a sigh and started walking out of the room, Jessie following close behind.

I looked around my small bedroom, realizing there really wasn't really anything to pack. Yes, Jessie has his Pop Figures and I have a few things too, but it wasn't much.


I woke up in the middle of the night. I was in my blue PJs in a dark room. There was a shadow in front of my bed frame, somehow closer to the ground than before.

Someone stepped closer to me. It was a boy. He had pale skin and short blond hair that was shaved on the side of his head. His blond bangs covered half of his face.

"Hello?" I blinked a few times at his blank, emotionless face.

"Hello. My name is Matthew. Yours?" Matthew's voice was a little scratchy and high pitched. Especially for a boy. He looked around my age, but he was probably a little taller than me.

"M-my name is Lily," I said, stuttering a little bit. I started fiddling with my fingers, something I do when I get scared or nervous. He stepped closer to me, making me move farther from him, onto my pillow. I sat criss-cross and waited for Matthew to speak.

"You're like me, aren't you?" That was the first time he gave me a smile, a hopeful, kind smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Matthew chuckled a bit and carefully moved his bangs for his face. He tucked the strands of hair behind his ear and revealed a pure white eye, just like mine.

I breathed in as I examined his full face. Matthew's other eye was a dark blue, and his face was dotted with freckles. He had a small nose and pale lips that were barely visible against his peach colored skin.

"Wow. Am I great at imagining people." I shook my head.

"This is not a dream." Matthew's smile faded, and sadness and anger formed on his soft face.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him and jumped off my bed. I stepped closer and examined him. The only light I had was the lightbulb of my attachable lamp. It was clipped to my bedframe and didn't give off much of what I needed. "Are you sure this is real?" I made a fist and punched his arm.

"Ow." he replied with a serious, frustrated tone. He flinched, but didn't look at me once. I glared at him and punched even harder with all my strength. Matthew yelled and fell to the ground in shock. "What's wrong with you!?" he asked, flipping over on his back. I just stare in confusion. I've never punched someone to the ground before. I didn't even know I could I do that. Believe me when I say I've tried on Jessie. He would just laugh and pretend to fall over.

"Matthew quickly got to his feet with a frustrated look. Just sit and lt me me explain okay?"

"Fine." I reply and sit down on the floor.

Matthew glares at me and raises his hand, bringing me up into the air. I open my mouth to try and say something, but my throat because dry and nothing came out of my mouth. I didn't know how to react to this. Matthew was using his hand to lift e into the air and guide me to my bed. What a weird phrase.

I sealed my lips shut as he dropped right onto my bed.

"Listen. I'm going to tell you what's going on."

Hey it's Angel! Sorry I posted a few days late! Basically my computer stopped connecting to the internet and I couldn't access anything! It had to be taken to get fixed and wont come back to me for 2 weeks at the latest T^T MY POOR COMPUTER!!! Im using my mom's right now so Im good with school and what not. I just wanted to tell u guys this just in case u wanted to start yappin at me for no reason. But yeah! Here's an extra long chapter for you guys! Happy reading!

- Angel <3

The Figure [On Hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora