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Hey! =]

I've being busy lately with going back to school and all that stuff but I still managed to get this chap done...which is a miracle XD. I just realised I have to update every two days or so in order for this book to be in time for the Wattys, which means I have to juggle this with my yearlies >.< Anyways, enjoy!


"Breathe in, breathe out," Amelia whispered to herself as she gazed at the double doors of the main building. It was Monday morning, but she definitely didn't feel like attending school. It was the last thing she wanted to do right now, but there was no way she could stay at home after everything that had happened.

Checking her watch, she still had about thirty minutes before school started. Coming early to school had its advantages; she would have a better chance of avoiding Tyrone. Instead of going in through the main doors, she turned and started down the pathway that led to the agriculture farm and the library.

"I hope they've turned the heaters on in the library," she thought. The library was a two storey building, connected by stairs. Situated at the front of the farm, the windows of the library had spectular views of the green grassland, with occasional goats roaming around. It was one of Amelia's favourite places in the school.

As she stepped inside, Ms Hampton, one of the senior librarians at the borrowing desk, greeted her warmly. It wasn't much of a surprise that the librarian knew her name since she came here every day during her break times.

"How are you today? You're rather early here today," the librarian smiled at her.

"Yea...I wanted to check out this new book," Amelia lied, unable to think of any other reason.

"Really? What is it called? I'd love to have a look at it!" Ms Hampton said enthusiastically.

 "Umm...I think it's called Wings of Freedom by Clarissa Kain." Amelia prayed the librarian didn't know that this particular book was published over 12 months ago.

"Wings of Freedom? Sounds interesting, though I haven't heard of it before. I'll definitely take a look at it," Ms Hampton said.

"Um, are there any new arrivals in the library yet?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, there's been some new books, most of them are novels," Ms Hampton replied, pointing over at the huge display shelf.

"Oh okay, I'll go and have a look," Amelia said as she walked over. "Bye."

The brand new covers of  books gleamed up at her. Amelia smiled as she scanned through the titles.

The Glass Castle...The Girl Who Sailed The World...The World of Antiska...The Battle of the Dead...Limited Edition-Best Jokes of All Time...My Vampire Love...Dear Diary...Years 9 Revision for General Maths...Classic Poems...Volcanoes: The Hill of Fire...

"Hmmm...Dear Diary sounds okay," she thought as she grabbed the book and settled into one of the chairs nearby.

Filpping to the first page she began to read:

Dear Diary,

I am just an ordinary kid who does all the usual stuff. I attend Glensglow High and have two best friends, Heather and Anthony. Heather is a magnet to 'fun' and Anthony is the computer geek. But still, we get along pretty well. Well...most of the time.

I live in an apartment, but my parents are saving up for a house. I don't really mind living in an apartment through. There's enough room and the views are awesome, especially when there are fireworks. I have two fish and one-

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