Make it Last Forever: Let's Get Started

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Me and riko was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to tell us how Kali was doing.

"Hey man she gonna be fine.  She strong." Riko said while I was pacing the room. I was still pissed about Charleston putting his hands on her

"Imma kill him" I said punching the wall

"No. Calm down you know 12 on you already. Don't give them a reason to lock you up" he has a poimt but I was still pissed

"He put his hands on my fucking girl! and yo baby mama and you want me to calm down!  Naw fuck that"

"Family of Kali Thomas" a white female doctor walked into the waiting room saying.  I walked towards her.

"Are you her family?" She asked I nodded.

"Ok we just ran some test on her  she's doing fine. It's just from hit to the head may cause some memory lose but only temporarily. "

"Ok. Can I see her?"

"Yes. She asleep right now though and when she wakes up she still may be a little ditzy from the medication"

"Ok" she smiled and led us to the room

"Try not to overwhelm her with the things she may not remember. "

I nodded and walked into the room while riko talked to the woman.


"So babe you talked to your brother lately?" Maria asked me while we were at dinner.

"Yea. But not since earlier this week though"

"oh ok.  How was work"

"It was interesting. The clients today was crazy. We had to escort them out"

"Oh wow. Why was they showing out" she laughed. I smiled at her; im a lucky guy.

"because of their bill they recieved. They had a case on their son being acused of raping a young girl.  My thing is the case lasted for about 3 months."

"So how much was the bill?" she continued to laugh

"About 30 thousand" I shrugged

"Well babe that is a lot of money. Maybe they dont make money like you or me"

"True but I told them about the pricing before hand.  They said they would have the money.  So we agreed that I would help them out. But once the firm add in their part they really flipped. 'You tricked me I thought you said you would help us' " I said mocking the woman's voice. By now she was dying from laughter.

"How is your food? is everything ok" the waitress asked I nodded and asked for the bill. She cleared our table and gave us our bill and left. after we paid and left I was opening the passenger door for Maria when I heard yelling.

"Get in the fucking car Selena!" A tall white man was yelling and pushing a woman into his car

"No. Just leave" she tried to fight back but he slapped her.

"hold on baby.  I'll be back" I said walking

"No Justin stay out of it" maria yelled to me

I ignored her and walked over to the car. they were now arguing.

"Excuse me is everything ok?"

"Yea man go mind yo own business." He said to me but I turned my attention to the female that was our waitress.

Make It Last Forever: SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora