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     "what's fifteen grand a month?" a voice shouts through to my room, tucking the contract under my pillow i walk to the kitchen.
looking round the corner, nikki is crouched in by the fridge looking for some whiskey. the fridge light illuminates his face and his black hair, his war paint was smudged down his face. walking over, i slide myself onto the kitchen counter. nikki looks to me, standing between my legs, i gently brush his hair out of his face,
     "how was the party rockstar?"
     "fucking great, you should have stayed." nikki slurs slightly and his eyes were red and dopey.
"sorry... i wish i could have stayed." i pause looking away from him, "it wasn't sort of my thing..."
"but they were always your sort of thing." nikki says dumbly,
"nikki... i'm a recovering addict, surrounded by the person i love doing drugs..." i say with a heartbroken tone.
nikki looks at me solemnly, realising what i said, i slide away from nikki,
"you love me?" he gently holds my wrist, looking at him, i look at the floor,
     "of course i do... you're my best friend." i was lying, he could tell i was lying, "but i love tommy more." i laugh.
nikki laughs and shakes his head, his hand trails up my arm and i look at him.
     "let's wash your war paint off..." i smile weakly, rubbing the black paint in more.
he frowns at me and rolls his eyes, i watch him walk into the bathroom and the shower turns on. walking into my room i grab the buisness card that tom gave me and dial the number,
"hi tom... it's me, elizabeth... i'll take the job."
"that's great news. but why are you whispering?" he laughs down the phone,
"oh, nikki just got back and i haven't told him."
tom and i talk on the phone for a while, discussing things and deciding. i started tomorrow. walking into nikki's room, i slide into his bed and snuggle down making myself comfortable. he then walks through, a towel wrapped around his waist, he looks at me and laughs. nikki has sobered up, he puts on his boxers and slides in next to me. laying my head on his chest he caresses my shoulder keeping me close, i trace figures of eight along his chest. slowly, my eyes began to close as nikki carefully plays with my hair,
"i love you too..." nikki whispers assuming i'm asleep.
butterflies swarm my stomach and a giddy rush runs through me. nikki sixx loves me?

the sun beams through the thin curtains, the room was lit up and cold. the bed that was once warm, was now cold. rolling onto my back i stretch and let a groan out, coffee spread around the room, rubbing my eyes i noticed i wasn't in my room and there was a mug of coffee on the bedside table. holding the mug in my hands, it rapidly began to warm my cold body up. the sound of whispering came from the living room. walking toward the whispering, nikki's shirt ends at the bottom of my bum.
looking into the room, the guys sat around the table whispering, along with tom. i cough slightly as i place my coffee on the kitchen counter, they all look at me. walking over to nikki, he opens his arms and i sit on his lap,
"morning angel." he smiles,
"good morning..." i say with a yawn.
the others look at us confused,
"hey guys..." i smile, "tom." i say with a nod,
"lizzie." he nods back.
looking at the table, i see them looking through papers full of music and notes. picking them up, i read through them carefully as nikki drew things on my thigh,
"so lizzie, what we need you to do, is to go meet with the head commissioner this afternoon and begin to the guys ideas for their music video into reality." tom says, he hands me a piece of paper with an address, "we, are then going to go the recording studio and do some recording."
tommy passes me the last few drags of his fag,
     "i didn't know you'd be working for us." vince says, i shrug,
      "tom only told me last night..." i say nodding, "and actually, i'm working for elektra, not you lot." nikki scoffs slightly,
     "you always work for me..." he kisses my cheek and i can feel him smirk.
mick lets out a slight tut and i watch him sit back in his chair.

sitting in my first meeting, my pen rasps against the paper as i quickly scribble notes down about motley crues first music video. pain went through my wrist.
the meeting finally came to an end, pulling my skirt down, my heels tap against the tile flooring. walking to the office i shared with the head content commissioner. placing my notes on my desk, i read through them,
"fuck me..." i sigh, "they're not asking for much."
checking the budgets and finances for everything, it went over budget by five hundred. putting my head in my hands, i quickly write a letter to finance to let them know that it was going over price. there heavy footsteps running down the corridor, a tall and lanky man comes running through, followed by nikki and vince chasing each other,
"what are you doing? i am working." I hiss at them
tommy sits on the edge on my desk along with vince, nikki kisses my forehead and swings me around on my chair,
"just checking how you're getting on." vince says, eating one of my sweets.
"well you're over budget on your music video, sooo... you'll have to get rid of something." i smile at them all.
they all groan they kids and i laugh,
"alright, get out. i've got work."
pushing them out the door, i watch them walk away. nikki runs back and gives kisses me, long and hard,
"we'll celebrate tonight after the gig." he winks then releases me from his grip.

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