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laying on my mattress, i sit and think about my bath, everything felt so right with nikki, it wasn't right for me to feel that way. the sunrise had begun coming up, i could hear nikki tossing and turning for the past hour, after such a mad day yesterday none of us could sleep. sitting up, i place my feet on the old, dirty carpet. a roach runs across the floor, i swat it with my docs killing it instantly,
"need to get that fucking sorted." I grumble tiredly to myself.
slipping into one of nikki's tops he gave me the first night i stayed, i put on a white laced thong and walk to the kitchen. i read somewhere that if you can't sleep you should walk around for fifteen minutes, so i decide to make a coffee.
walking outside with my coffee and fags, i lean against the rail of the stairs and watch the sun come up, all different shades of red and orange. warm hands then grip my hips and i hear a tired groan come from behind me, looking over my shoulder, i see nikki. his black hair all messy, i could see his eyes, his fringe had been pushed out of his face. straightening my back, his hands move round to my front, his hands were massive in comparison to my body. i rest my head on his chest and he places his chin on the top of my head.
"mornin' angel." nikki's voice was deep and husky,
"morning rockstar."
i feel him take a swing of his daniels, passing him my fag for him to finish off i walk back through to my room, i had to open for work in five hours and i knew i would be shattered.
    "have you got a a gig tonight?" i shout through to nikki,
    "yea, we've got one every night this week." he pokes his head round my door frame, "will you be there?"
i think, "hopefully my shift will have ended by then... i'll walk round after."


"hey guys... what can i get for you tonight?" the couple look at me in disgust, the women looks me up at down and rolls her eyes,
"i'll have some blueberry waffles and she'll have bacon and pancakes." the man pauses, "thanks." he says, sarcasm dripping in his tone.
looking at the clock, i grew angsty, i had twenty minutes until my shift ended and motley crue are playing in five minutes. stanching their menus, i practically race to the kitchen,
"blueberry waffles and bacon pancakes. i need them doing ASAP, they're in a rush." i say lying, the chef rolls his eyes,
"they'll be done when they're done." he groans grabbing the ticket from my fingers.
dottie walks past me and sees my face all glum, her frail hands placed on my shoulder,
"i'll let you finish your shift ten minutes early if you just take two more orders for me..." she smiles weakly, i nod,
"thank you dottie." i say squeezing her arm and rushing to the tables to take orders.

running to my locker, i change out of my work clothes. i slip into a black turtle neck, black leather trousers, red heel boots and leopard print jean jacket. taking my hair out of the bobble, it falls in curls to my shoulders. running outside, my heels tap against the pavement, lighting a fag, i flag the nearest taxi down,
"where to?"
i panic forgetting where they were playing tonight, "erm, where motley crue are playing!"
he nods and begins to drive.

pulling up outside the venue, i throw him my cash and run out of the taxi. i check my watch,
"shit, I'm ten minutes late."
walking round the back, i notice groupies hanging around. slipping through the door, i walk through a corridor, door after door had passed. motley crue, in bold writing stuck on the door, pulling the handle down i check to see if they were in there, mick and nikki echo through the corridor.
running along the corridor, my ankle buckles and i grip onto the wall. walking to the side of the stages, crew push me and shove me,
     "frankie died just the other night. some say it was suicide. but we know, how the story goes." vince sings.
i hadn't heard this song before, it was new. listening carefully to all the words, i wondered who it was about. looking at tommy he thrashes on his drums as nikki and mick shred on their guitar and bass. i watch in awe as they play, the crowd jumps around and pushes everyone one around... it was way bigger than the other night, so familiar faces and some new ones. walking down into the crowd, i push my way to the front, nikki catches my eye and winks again to me, i smile and start jumping.

they finish their set and nikki puts his hand out to the crowd for me, taking it he pulls me up and grabs me by the waist,
    "you look so good tonight." he whispers in my ear as we walk off stage,
    "thank you sixx, you do as well." i lick my lips slightly.
tommy runs up and picks me up, i let out a loud giggle and squeal,
     "that was so sick!" tommy screams tensing me in his arms. i laugh,
    "you were all amazing." i smile.
mick grunts with a slight smile and vince nudges me,
    "we going to bump tonight?" he whispers, i nod and smile at him,
     "mhm yea..."

nikki and i sit next to each other, drinking our whiskey, vince lines up our coke, he goes first then i do. wincing again, i hold my nose. nikki does it next, looking at him he had a little powder on his face, wiping it off he laughs slightly. both our legs start to giggle, they rub together and create friction, my heart races and i become paranoid again.
    "dance with me..." nikki whispers, his breath sending my hairs on end.
i nod submissively and he drags me to the floor, our eyes just interlocked on each other's, our bodies rubbing together, his hands roaming my entire body. nikki then pulls out a baggie of pills,
    "want to do ecstasy?" he asks,
    "the sex drug?" i smirk, he nods and smirks, looking at my lips.
we both take one and look at each other, tipping our heads back we swallow them. nikki's beautiful eyes were almost engulfed by his black pupils, i watch as they turn darker and his grip turns stronger. our lips crags together, taking my by surprise, kissing back his tongue grazes my lips asking for entrance. i refuse and pull away,
     "you can't always have what you want sixx."
     "i want to fuck you."

sticky sweet {nikki sixx}Where stories live. Discover now