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& there Persephone was,

Sitting on her throne of dried flowers and skulls.

Beside her, His throne stood empty and cold.

She had returned to find him changed.

The world outside seemed more

Alluring to him, than she ever was.

He saw the wild in her and it unsettled him,

So, he left to see the wild for himself.

She had fallen for the cool, dark caves,

The boat rides with the souls,

Her reflection in Cerberus six eyes,

Her Dark Hound always beside her

For judgments and her explorations.

The Underworld couldn't be left alone,

A God must be present.

For so long she hadn't longed for the warmth of the sun

For the song of the birds during

The day

Nor for the crickets during the night

During the mornings she ruled judgement over the souls

After that, she struggled to keep her mind busy

She always wondered what her King was doing.

What wilderness was he exploring?

Sighs would accompany her when she wanted a touch,

Sometimes she longed for anyone's touch

It took her awhile to understand

That it wasn't Their home anymore, or His

It was Hers.

She was ruling the Underworld without him.

The dark cave fed from her now,

And to think it had been the other way around.

Now, she wasn't going to give up

Her home without a fight

She would split Hell in half if she had to, give him the End

And for her, the Entrance

Hades wouldn't have any other choice.

Persephone hadn't argued when their

Agreement had been presented

He would not argue with her.

He would see it for himself,

How the servants bowed and addressed her

How the souls were more at ease with her to welcome home after the Stix.

Sometime she found herself riding in and crossing with the newly departed holding their hands in her equally cold ones

Nobody could deny the certain warmth the Queen had brought

Her mind was set

And if War had to come with his younger brother, then she will be the first to taste the blood of her enemies.

Sirius turned to his mistress when he sensed her sudden bloodlust.

Persephone ran her hand over his black hide before standing from her throne.

She would've never thought of flourishing in the Darkness.

Her KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now