Chapter Forty Three (Kendall)

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I did not believe she noticed for she became more agitated as time passed. I believed I had truly fooled her, my steel-minded Snowflake, into the belief that I had lost any feeling for her within a week. Without taking the situation into context, I would consider it a great accomplishment.

"Prince Gordon, the ballroom awaits you."

Lance's voice drifted into the room, and I resisted the habitual instinct of running my hand through my hair as it would only ruin it. I did not need the public to realize the state of distress I was in and question my authority.

I grabbed my black suit jacket, putting it over the classic, white, collared shirt before glancing once more into the mirror before finally exiting my room. It was then that I realized something was wrong.

"And my Protector?" I asked, briefly looking around to make sure I had not overlooked her.

"I have sent guards to find her. She should be announced and in the ballroom as we are speaking," Lance informed me and I nodded in acknowledgement, wondering how she would handle the mass of attention.

We began walking, Lance by my side and a barrier of guards surrounding us. Silence kept us company, but eventually the hard sound of the guards' boots marching in unison washed it away.

I expected the ball to be eventful as a variety of people considered important would be attending. My parents were attending, along with my brothers, Lex, and Raelynn. The Kings would be there, offering potential clients, if they did not consider the rejection of their daughters as rude.

I also expected most of the Kings to leave when I kindly told them I was not ready to take a wife. In their eyes, I should have taken one years ago and claiming so was a diaphanous excuse. However, even one of them would be of tremendous value to me.

The grand doors now stood in front of us as we came to a slow halt. The guards shuffled around to both open the doors and still adequately surround me. I stood there, any traces of my stress slipping off as I prepared myself for the crowd.

The room instantly quieted as a guard cleared his throat and began speaking: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to announce that Prince Kendall Valentino Gordon has now arrived." His words were met with the usual thunderous claps that echoed throughout the palace.

I always found the introduction amusing seeing as I was not the one who arrived, but they were. The room was filled with people from various corners of the world with a diversity of cultures and ethnic backgrounds. However, I had come from nowhere and would return nowhere once this ended. Yet, despite this, I was the one who had arrived.

I walked in, nodding and smiling briefly at those around me as I passed them, yet I did not give them my attention. Only one person continually captured it, but as I scanned the room, she was nowhere to be found. Upon this realization, I found myself running a hand through my hair.

I beckoned Lance over, ignoring the watchful eyes. They had already waited this long to see me and could afford to spare a few more moments.

"You informed me that my Protector would be in this room, yet I do not see her. Either I am dense or you lied to me. Find out which it is and for the sake of your job, I hope it is the former," I told him, the words coming out like a harsh whip.

Lance nodded before he quickly walked off. I flashed the crowd a smile as false as the enthused looks they held, lightening the atmosphere and feeding them what they desired.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to start it off by thanking each of you for attending on such a lovely evening. You are aware that the night will be divine when so many of your greatest friends are gathered together." My words were drowned in their appreciative whistles and claps, and I discretely scanned the room once more before continuing.

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