The black and red haired boy in front of me frowned, before answering in an unsure way, "With teachers... But I guess you weren't." He said the latter as if he realized it only then and was disappointed in himself for not knowing earlier.

"No, I kind of hid from Ashton. I felt so horrible. I still can't see why you guys are even friends with me!" I sounded half guilty and half sort of desperate. A weird combination I think. "And I just... It got too much. I needed a place for myself. Alone. No one to see me."

I looked up again and saw the sadness in Michael's eyes. "Don't... Don't tell me you've cried Lays."

All I did was look down again, neither confirming nor denying it, though my way of looking away was confirming it.

"Lays... Please look at me." He pleaded, grabbing one of my hands and squeezing it.

It took a minute, but eventually I obeyed and looked at him. I couldn't force myself to look at anything else but his light green-like eyes. "Those girls aren't worth any tear you have in you. They're just stupid girls who have nothing better to do with their lives. And Ashton only tries to find you because all of us want to make sure you're okay and he seems to be the only one who knows where to find you."

I was somewhere surprised Ashton hadn't told any of the other boys about my 'safe haven', but I was happy he didn't. And next to that, I felt a little better after Michael had told me that, though I couldn't quite get it all through. Stupid me.

"I was wrong you know." I said, hiding my small smile that was trying to form.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked, genuinely surprised. "You are better than sleep."

I smiled slightly and his face went from surprised to a big smile, as he chuckled softly. "Don't change the subject eh?"

"I wasn't! I really listened to what you said and I somewhere know that, but... I don't know. You're awesome for being here for me though." I told him fondly, hugging him once again.

"No problem Lays. You can trust me and talk to me if you need me." He said softly, still hugging me.

"Thanks Mikey, I really appreciate that." I mumbled, as my face was half pressed to his shoulder. He let go of me and I let go of him, both returning, yet again, to our previous positions on the bed. Suddenly, I thought of something again.

"But tell me, how did your phone end up on my nightstand?" I gave him this 'don't give me bullshit because I won't take it' sort of look and he smiled sheepishly.

"I carried you upstairs yesterday and when I came back downstairs I saw a phone on the floor and I thought it was yours, so I put it on your nightstand. But only this morning I realized it was mine." I laughed at his stupidity, while he faked a hurt expression.

"How can you not recognize your own phone?" I wondered, once my laughter had calmed down a little.

"It was dark okay! Now stop laughing." He pouted, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry." I said, in between laughter, trying to stop with laughing. It worked after a little and a comfortable silence fell over us.

"So eh, do you want breakfast?" Michael asked after a few minutes and I nodded as an answer, getting up to go and change in some other clothes before going downstairs.

"I'll see you downstairs yeah?" He asked as he walked towards my door, ready to leave my room.

"In a few." I confirmed, grabbing my bag that had somehow ended up near the closet, as he left my room. I took out my underwear and then opened the closet, rummaging through it for some random jeans and a shirt. That was a positive thing to having my own room here, I had a closet with clothes. Well, no underwear and pyjamas, because I didn't trust these boys with those things. They would most likely make fun of some things. But next to that, I could find about anything in this closet.

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