Benyamin coughed loudly. "And now ladies and gentlemen, now comes the romantic kiss." He cheered out making me laugh. "Sorry to break to romantic moment. But I also hate to break this to you that you are sitting here in a public area and we meaning your 'younger siblings' are watching your ... ahem your 'inappropriate' act. Please, I beg you and I encourage you to book a room in this house to commence the romance!" 

They quickly broke apart blushing with embarrassment, Hajara quickly covered her face with her scarf and got up from her husband's lap. Her flushed face doesn't go unnoticed by me specifically, never. She abruptly left the room without a word. Yusuf sat there surprised, probably registering what just happened.

 He got up and stood in front of me coughing.

 "You choking?" I asked cluelessly, cocking my eyebrow. He's cheeks were also flushed red from embarrasment.

"How can he be? He was just caught red-handed almost about to kiss his wife." Benyamin teased him. 

"Woah! Do brothers have to point that out, this poor man is already embarrassed? No need to rub it in his face." I scolded my husband.

"Can I have my son?" Yusuf asked, extended his hands towards me while giving his brother a death glare.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about my sleeping nephew in my arms, no wonder Yusuf was standing in front of me. I placed a kiss on my nephew's forehead and placed him gently in his father's arms. 

"I didn't forget the time you guys literally kissed in front of me. He gave a death glare at Benyamin. "So now I will exit the room... cause I'm pretty sure you'll both be all over each other if I don't leave on time." Yusuf smirked, happy with his comeback as he left the room with his son. We were left speechless and shocked remembering the surfing memory that occured few years ago. Okay, I will admit that was pretty stupid and embarrassing!

Benyamin got up from his place and sat beside me on the sofa that I was really comfortably placed in. He leaned back and I put my head on his shoulders. We really did have a long day! 

"So... how was life without me?" He started.

"Hell! I mean ... raising Huzaifah alone, taking the role of a mother and father at the same time was the worst."

"Yeah, I understand!" He sighed, his voice full with sorrow. He missed four years of his son's life, that was already a lot.

"Mooooom, I love you!" Huzaifah said running in the room, engulfing me into a tight hug.

"Hey man, where is daddy's hug?" His father asked, extending his arm and Huzaifah shyly hugged him still not use to his father. Benyamin held him on his lap securely and placed another arm around my shoulder. This is what I craved and dreamed for, my family to be together and happy, we would talk, and spend time together and everthing.

"Your done playing?" I asked my son.

"Yeah, Aunty took Hawa to bed."

"Oh, are you not going to bed?" 

"No, I just woke up. I don't want to sleep. Can I please stay up with daddy, please." He begged and I shrugged helplessly and gave in. After all, he just met his father for the first time, he has the right to bond with him.

"Where's Yusuf ... I mean uncle?" Benyamin asked him curiously, I mentally noted to slap him. He probably wanted to know if his brother took his adviced, booked a room and was spending the night with his wife or kissing her or something.

"He's reading Quran and Aunty is testing him." Huzaifah replied. We nodded in understanding, they were both hufaaz and they would test each other from time to time to keep their Quran secured in their heart.

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