chapter II (Annabeth)

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Percy POV:
I wanted to strangle Sean. He might as well wiped all my achievements and buried all the trust I accumulated over the years under his heap of lies, exaggerations and dirt that smeared my name. He took joy out of the one thing I looked forward to. Newer campers cared nothing for me, I was just another member of the Seven. They rather be looking at the likes of Leo who can craft a gun out of a dissembeled Teddy bear and tissue boxes or the great Annabeth, the one who has the closest connection to Olympus. I was old news. Sure, he looked cool and was a son of poseidon, I don'tdo anything interesting except pull water out of the air.

It was fine. I still had Annabeth. What's he gonna do? Make us break up?

I was super excited. Not even the dirty glares the campers and stupid Sean could dampen my mood. Finally I was going to ask Annabeth, the love of my life, to be my fiancé, Not knowing that I that what I saw was about to shatter me to pieces, I ran towards the Athena cabin to look for my wise girl.

"Hey Malcolm, where's Annabeth?"

"At the beach but you better not go...."

I didn't care. "Thanks bro!" I walked merrily to the beach , thinking about the quest Athena made me do to prove myself to marry her daughter. It was quite simple actually. Just sneak into Ares's palace and turn it into a life sized Barbie house. Apparently, he had made her mad for some reason. Easy as Aphrodite was available and well, we were on best terms after all. I then asked Hephestes to make Annabeth a ring.
"Sean, I love you!" I froze. That sounded like....It can't be.... Annabeth! "I love you too , Owl girl!" I saw Annabeth and him in a cove with glowing jellyfish. Annabeth was lying in a heart made of pink and yellow gems. Annabeth didn't even like pink and yellow. She told me she hated pink and yellow. And Owl girl? She nearly knocked my teeth out for calling her that. This was so cheesy, disgusting and upset that I just couldn't bring myself to show yet, wanting to hear what Owl girl thought of me, our relationship and the time I wasted on her.
"When are you going to break up with that loser, love?"
"Tonight, in front of you." I felt my heart shatter and something inside me broke. The glass orb. The rough edges.

"No need. You already did. To think I loved you...."
"Wait, Percy I can explain...."
"Really? Then why are you lying in a heart made of pink and yellow gemstones when you told me you hated pink and yellow?!" I screamed. This is so disgusting. She's disgusting and he is disgusting and everyone is-
I'm cold
The waves was reaching a height of 4 meters and I could hear then crashing onto the beach but I didn't care. Earthquakes are shaking the ground but I didn't care. I threw the ring at her and she gasped. It was a celestial bronze mixes with imperial gold with a seagreen emerald and a diamond making an owl and a trident that looks like a heart.
Annabeth gasped and her eyes widened.
"I wanted to propose to you, but it seems I was a fool. "
I'm so cold

Back at camp half blood...

I was leaving. The one thing that made me stay there was Her and She betrayed me.
I left to the emperal state building as there was no point in staying. I don't know why I went there. I don't know why I asked.
"600th floor please."

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