Chapter Three

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(Terra POV)

Terra was nervous when Slender took her hand. She was surprised that he ask her to dance. He led her to the dance floor. They started dancing, Terra was looking down at the ground wondering what to talk about. But then Slender said: So um I have been thinking. Terra looked up wondering what he was talking about. Slender said: If me he mumbled. Terra said: Pardon. Slender said again: If you like me. Terra pause in surprised of what he just said. Slender bent down on he's knees so he could see her face more. Terra scampered and said: I.....I don't k..know what to s....say. Slender said: It's ok if you don't. Suddenly Terra hug Slender. Slender was confused, then Terra said:I like you too. 

Terra went to her room happy. Soon she heard a knock at the door. It was Sally it was almost midnight. Sally walk over to her and said: Hey Terra I had a nightmare can I sleep with you. Terra said: Of course you can Sally. Soon they both fell asleep.

The next morning she noticed that her door was open. She looked on the other side of her bed and saw that Sally wasn't there anymore. She must have woke up and went down stairs. Terra saw the sun shinning throw the windows. Terra loved the warmth of the summer sun. Terra walk down stairs everyone was up in the living room. Sally ran over to her. Sally said: Morning Terra do you want to play with me before breakfast. Terra shook her head. Terra then realized that after she sat down, that she was wearing a sports bra and shorts on. She felted embarrassed and stupid.

Sally let her to the table right next to her. Slender sat at the end of the table with his brothers. Masky said: Did you sleep well? Terra said: Yeah I guess. Hoodie said: Looked like you slept comfortable. Terra covered her chest with her hand and said: Heyyyyy. Hoodie said: Sorry just saying. Jane sat down and said: I think she look great today. Terra said: Thanks.

After breakfast Terra went up stairs to go get some cloths on. She put on a pair of black leggings, and a what belly shirt and ran back down stairs to hang out with Jane and Lulu. Lulu was wearing her blue short dress. Jane was wearing her black dress and mask. Sally joined the after she help her getting her hair done

After going for a walk Terra went to the living room to read some of the books. Slender said: What are you doing. Startled she fell out of the chair. Slender said: Oh i'm so sorry. He help her up and said: Do you want to hang out. Terra said: Sure that would be fun. They decided to talk about what they like and dislikes where and are.

                                                                             To Be Continued

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