Chapter One

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Terra POV

It was a beautiful morning, sun was shining throw the windows. Terra woke up to the her cat Gizmo. She was clawing the door to her room to come wake her up for school. Terra walked to the door and open it for her. When she looked over at her alarm clock it was 7:45 AM. She quickly grabbed her bag, and the cloths she set out last night. She quickly gets dressed and ran for the bus stop.

When she got there everyone looked at her. Quickly she sat by she friends. Her friend Stella was waiting on one benches at a table. Soon the bus came and we all got on.

Terra got to school tired because she rush to the bus. And right next to her was her bully Violet. She was didn't seem to noice's she was there. She ignored her and continued with her day.

It was the end of the day Terra ran to her locker and got her stuff, so she could go home. Then she realized that her phone was gone, all of the sudden her locker closed it was Violet. Violet pushed her to the ground, then she said this which was the last thing she said before you heard screams. Terra got up and punched her in the face but she didn't stop there. Terra got one of her books and continued hitting her until there was nothing but silence. Terra then realized what she did and screamed. She didn't mean to do it that far.

Terra ran home packing most of her cloths and some money that she had from her job. She gave her cat food and water and said goodbye.Terra wake two full days walking in the forest. She didn't even know where she was going anymore. Soon she fell past out on the ground.

When she woke up she saw three men in front of her staring at her. One of them had a white mask with black eyes and lips on it. The other one was wearing a orange hoodie, it looked like he had no face. The last one was wearing gray, nary green, and black. They just stood there, the one with the mask said. "Are you alright?" Terra said. "Y..yes I'm j..just have n..nowhere to go." They all looked at each other, the one in the mask said. "Hello my name if Masky this is Hoodie and Toby." Toby jump up with excitement and hugged Terra smiled as he was hugging her. Masky said. "Come with use you will be save". Masky was holding his hand out waiting for her to come with them, Terra took his hand and he help her up. Terra smiled then they started walking together.

Terra looked at the mansion in amazement. She ask Masky. "Where are we." Masky said. "Welcome to the Slender Man Mansion." Terra ask. Who the Slender Man?" Masky said. "He is our boss we go on missions for hime or tasks." Terra asked. "So will i do that?" Masky shrugged his shoulders and said. "We will see."

They all entered the mansion Terra was nervous who was she about to meet, and was this her new home. Masky led her to the couch and said. "Stay here I'll go get him ok?" Terra answered. "Ok." A few minutes later Masky walked in and said. "I introduce you to the Slender Man." A man with no eyes no mouth nothing on his face it was every white with a handsome jaw line. He was also wearing a black suit with a red tie. Slender said. "Hello I'm the Slender Man Mansion." Terra said. "Hello I'm Terra nice to meet you."

To Be Continued....

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