Part 19

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This is the last part

Mer: "So, everyone knows."

Der: Yes, everyone. Well practically everyone."

Mer: "What do you want to do now?"

Der: "I want to see my kids."
*Back at the frat house*

Mer: "So... I have a surprise for all of you."

Bailey: "Really?"

Mer: "Yes! Zola, would you please read that letter."

Zola; "Sure! Dear kids, I hope you know how much I love you. I've missed you so much. I might not explain everything today. Because you might not understand. But I love you. And I'll explain everything, when all of you are older. Love you Daddy. Daddy wrote this. Is daddy alive."

Mer: "Well look for yourselves."

Zola: "DADDY!"

Bailey: "DADDY!"

Ellis: "DADDY!"

Der: "Hey guys! I missed you so much!"

*Later that night*

Der: "Mer?"

Mer: "What?"
Der; "Now that everything is over. Well you know, what should we do? Should we take a break from work and go see my mom in New York? Stay there for a while or I don't know. Or something else?"

Mer: "Well, you are not working yet. We could go."

Der: "Are you sure?"

Mer: Yes, Derek. Now go yo sleep. We had a rough day."

Der: "Mark is alive. We saved him. Meredith, do you want to have another baby?"

Mer: "What! You want another baby?"

Der: "Meredith, I'm alive. I want 100,000 babies with you."

Mer: "I won't have 100,000 babies. But I can have one more."

Der: "So it's a yes."

Mer: "Yes! It's a yes."

Der: "Haha! I love you."

Mer: "I love you too."

*The End*  

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