Part 10

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*Present day*

Mer: "So before dad's death, he asked me to hide this so we could give it to you at the proper moment. And I think that moment has come for you guys to receive them."

Zola: "They are presents from daddy."

Mer: "They are more than presents Zozo. They are souvenirs from our memories."

Bailey: "Zola! Look at your mask!"

Mer: "Zozo, this mask is a mask from where you are from. It's something really important because it came along with you. Your father wanted you to have it."

Bailey: "Can I keep the mask? Please!"

Mer: "No Bailey. It's your sister's. But you, you have the chance to have your dad's scrub cap. He wore it for so long."

Zola: :What about Ellis? What present is for her?"

Mer: "Well, Ellis receive Anatomy Jane. A little doll with detachable organs. My mom gave her to me. It's really something important for me."

Ellis: "Ouhh! Nice! Can I play with it?"

Mer: "Of course, you are supposed to play with it. But tomorrow morning because now it's time for bed. Go, go."

Zola: "Mom. I miss him."

Mer: "I miss him too honey."

*At 3 am that morning*

*Knock, knock, knock*

Mer: "Who the hell is visiting someone at 3 am? Don't they understand that some people have a job and they need to sleep."

*Knock, knock, knock, knock*

Mer: "Yea, Yea. I'm coming slow down..."

Der: "Meredith!"

Mer: "Derek!?"

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