My Mom ... The Queen

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"Your mother wishes to speak to you." Marvin said. Marvin is my royal butler that is an undeclared.
If you aren't declared by any of the three types of magic, that means you are not strong enough for any of the magics.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said with a sigh.

marvin left the room just as quickly as he came. as i walked down the stairs Lucas was behind me even though he didnt have to.

"why are you following me?"

"you know why i have to follow you around."

"yeah, but even in my highly guarded house i mean i think its a little ridiculous."

"well tell that to your mom."

"i will."

As I entered the throne room, I heard my mother yell at one of her guards.

"What do you mean by they are coming?!" Mother exclaimed.

"Tomorrow after she has been declared the prince will ask... hello princess."

"I'm here like you requested Mother."

"Good. Please exit the room, I must talk to my daughter alone."

I looked back at Lucas who hesitated for only a second before he left.

"Arianna, I know that you are probably nervous about tomorrow but trust in my words... You will be claimed for Siren."

"For some reason I don't think that you believe what you just said."

"I mean it Arianna. You are very strong and wise. Which will make you a great queen... and wife."

"What if I don't want to be queen, I mean what if I'm not... Wait did you say wife?"

"Prince Liam has asked for your hand in marriage and will be here after you've been claimed to court you."

"No! No! I refuse to marry a blood sucker like him!"

"You must and you will!"

"Where's Father?"

I storm out of the room and go to the secret garden with Lucas keeping close.

"Go and find my father please."

I hear him mutter something then went to find my father. Every time Mother does or says something that upsets me I come here and wait till my father comes.

"What's wrong princess?"

I turn around to see my father with his art clothes on and run into his arms and cry.

"Mother wants me to marry that vampire prince. The one who killed Jackson."

"Your mother would never..."

"But she is Dad!.. Why would she do this to me?"

"I don't know. If you want I can try and talk to her about rethinking this whole marriage thing. Okay?"


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